Rich and Seamless Texture Mapping to 3D Mesh Models

来源 :第十一届图像图形技术与应用学术会议(IGTA2016) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangtianmei
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  Texture of reconstructed models are typically recovered by mapping detailed fragments to its surface,however,the visibility of the seams are often appear at the board of patches,due to inaccuracy mesh model and registration,lighting various and surface reflections etc.To address this problem,we apply a preprocessing step to every face in the mesh model by removing its candidate fragments,which are obviously different from others.Then,selecting fragment for every face is treated as a Markov random field energy optimization(MRF)problem,consist of the proposed data and smooth terms.Finally,poisson editing is employed to adjust the color information of vertices and edges of every fragments for better color consistency among fragments.Experimental results show that our method is able to produce seamless textured models with rich color information,compared with the state of the arts.
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