The determination of vascular cell adhesion molecule-vcam and intercellular adhesion molecules-icam

来源 :The 18th Congress of the International Federation of Associa | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dddddddddddddzzzz
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In our study, three hundred fifty four people (N=354) aged from 21-74 were involved.People were tested by angiography, considered as a case group (n=181), and non tested control group (n=173).Both group was divided in three groups of age.Blood serum of the surveyed people was examined by ELISA test.There are significant differences (p<0.1) in the expression of ICAM-1 between the case and control groups.The result of the control group were constant,and not correlated with the age groups.The result of the case group was as follows: 2993,5±51,9pg/ml (21-35 ages)2819,5±56 pg/ml (36-55 ages), 2531,1±73,1 pg/m (56-74ages), and it was negative correlated with the ages.
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