Analysis of Current Laboratory Animal Science Policies and Administration in China

来源 :第十届中国实验动物科学年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bleachss
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  Laboratory animal science(LAS)advances scientific understanding of the care and use of animals that play a key role in research supporting the development of biomedicine.LAS has developed quickly in China in recent decades,and this report provides an analysis of the current status of the countrys LAS policies and administration.National and provincial laws,regulations,guidelines,and standards apply to quality control and licensing,quarantine and infectious disease control,breeding and husbandry,transgenic animals,staffqualifications,animal welfare,and imports,exports,and transportation.Regulation and oversight of lab animal use are the responsibility of the national Ministry of Science and Technology,provincial departments of science and technology,and institutional animal care and use committees.We begin with an explanation of the rationale behind this paper and a brief history of policy-related activities and achievements.We then present various policies,discuss their implementation,and hypothesize about future policy developments.With the improvement of policies under an integrated,multitiered administration,the use of high-quality lab animals in Chinese scientific research is increasing and many more papers describing animal experiments performed in China are being published in international journals.
  目的 建立肾虚型子宫内膜障碍大鼠模型,以探讨子宫内膜容受性与自然流产的相关性.方法 以羟基脲建立肾虚型大鼠模型,比较模型组大鼠与正常大鼠动情期内膜腺体腺腔个数与面
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  目的 建立SD大鼠三叉神经痛模型缩窄环术模型,测量其对机械刺激的反应性与三叉神经病理学变化,探讨三叉神经痛的发病机制.方法:在大鼠右侧三叉神经分支眶下神经(ION)行缩
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  目的 随着世界人口日趋老龄化,阿尔茨海默病的发病率不断上升,但发病机制尚不明确且复杂,因此运用中药多途径、多方式、多靶点的作用优势,中药及其有效成分防治阿尔茨海默病
  目的 实验动物是生命科学研究的重要对象和材料,为更好发挥高校实验动物中心在教学和科研中的支撑作用和服务水平,本文对建立"高校实验动物信息管理平台"的意义进行了阐述,
  目的 对于与阴道黏膜直接接触的药物通过阴道刺激性试验进行临床前安全性检验,判断是否存在对阴道黏膜的刺激性,及其刺激反应程度是否属于可接受范围等,是该类新药研发和申
  This paper aims to describe the development of laboratory animal science in China on the basis of historical evidence and recent national survey data,and to
  目的 检测MEKK1在B6-Co小鼠胚胎眼睑发育关键时期的表达,探讨其在该突变系小鼠EOB(出生时眼睛睁开)表型形成过程中的作用.方法 剖取E16.5和E18.5胎鼠,剪取整个头部,4%多聚