Interactive Effects of Elevated CO2 Concentration and Irrigation on Photosynthetic Parameters and Yi

来源 :第31届中国气象学会年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jigmei123
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  Maize is one of the major cultivated crops of China, having a central role in ensuring the food security of the country.There has been a significant increase in studies of maize under interactive effects of elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and other factors, yet the interactive effects of elevated [CO2] and increasing precipitation on maize has remained unclear.In this study, a manipulative experiment in Jinzhou, Liaoning province, Northeast China was performed so as to obtain reliable results concerning the later effects.The Open Top Chambers (OTCs) experiment was designed to control contrasting [CO2] i.e., 390, 450 and 550 μtmol·mo1-1, and the experiment with 15% increasing precipitation levels was also set based on the average monthly precipitation of 5-9 month from 1981 to 2010 and controlled by irrigation.Thus, six treatments, i.e.C550W+15%, C550W0, C450W+15%, C450W0, C390W+15% and C390W0 were included in this study.The results showed that the irrigation under elevated [CO2] levels increased the leaf net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) of maize.Similarly, the stomatal conductance (Gs) and transpiration rate (Tr) decreased with elevated [CO2], but irrigation have a positive effect on increased of them at each [CO2] level, resulting in the water use efficiency (WUE) higher in natural precipitation treatment than irrigation treatment at elevated [CO2] levels.Irradiance-response parameters, e.g., maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pnmax) and light saturation points (LSP) were increased under elevated [CO2] and irrigation, and dark respiration (Rd) was increased as well.The growth characteristics, e.g., plant height, leaf area and aboveground biomass were enhanced, resulting in an improved of yield and ear characteristics except axle diameter.The study concluded by reporting that, future elevated [CO2] may favor to maize when coupled with increasing amount of precipitation in Northeast China.
通过对近10年来发生在淮北地区的龙卷风统计分析,得出:从空间分布来看,龙卷的发生与地形有一定的关系.淮北地区龙卷风发生的地方,多在地势相对比较平坦、开阔的区域.宿州市东部地区的灵璧和泅县是近年来龙卷的主要发生地.而宿州北部由于残存一些低矮的山丘,基本没有发生过龙卷天气.龙卷产生的天气背景主要表现为:龙卷发生前副高势力较强,淮北地区处在副高边缘,高低空均受槽前西南气流影响.200 hPa上淮北地区处
This paper examines the characteristics of historical meteorological hazards and associated natural-anthropogenic variations in China, with specific attention given to the drought hazards occurring at