A case of locally advanced gastric cancer treated with preoperative SOX chemotherapy plus Apatinib f

来源 :第十三届全国胃癌学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwh346048162
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  Objective We report the case of a 52-year-old male who was diagnosed with locally advanced gastric cancer and treated with preoperative SOX chemotherapy plus Apatinib followed by curative distal gastrectomy,D2 lymph node dissection and paraaortic lymph node dissection,so as to provide a reference for the clinical treatment for such cases.
Objectives To assess recurrence and its timing,patterns,and risk factors following curative gastrectomy in two gastric cancer centers from China and the United States.
目的 探讨全腹腔镜全胃切除术后食管空肠管型吻合与线型吻合的短期外科疗效对比方法 选取2011 年1 月至2017 年4 月在中国共22 家医疗中心行TLTG 的胃恶性肿瘤患者。
Objective There still remains controversy for the choice of resection extent for gastric cancer involving the middlethird of the stomach.
Objectives The aim of this study is to validate the efficacy and safety of laparoscopic gastrectomy for early and advanced stage gastric cancer in terms of Short-and Long-Term Outcomes Methods We revi
Objective Blood type A and Helicobacter pylori(HP)infection are two principal elements related to gastric cancer(GC).
Objective Magnesium is considered to be a biologically active metal.Studies have shown that magnesium can promote tissue healing and anti-inflammator.
Objective Gastric cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide.
目的 胃癌在全世界癌症中发病率局第四位,也是导致癌症相关死亡的第二大常见肿瘤。手术治疗是早期胃癌首选的治疗方式。建立在两药或三药基础上的全身化疗有效地改善了晚期胃癌患者的中位生存期和生存质量,靶向治疗的介入更是让目标人群生存获益超过一年。
目的 本研究旨在初步探索抗血管生成治疗药物阿帕替尼联合SOX(S-1+奥沙利铂)方案用于局部进展期胃癌新辅助化疗的有效性和安全性。方法 这是一项前瞻性单臂Ⅱ期临床研究。
目的 抗血管新生治疗作为一种靶向治疗,已经成为进展期胃癌有效治疗方法之一。血管内皮生长因子受体2 相关靶向治疗已显示出能提高治疗无效的进展期胃癌或胃食管结合部腺癌总生存期和无进展生存期。本文目的是希望得出对胃癌的临床治疗,特别是抗血管新生治疗提供相关参考。