An Application of Waste Molten Slag as Preservative Material

来源 :第六届亚洲特大城市环境与公共健康论坛暨中国环境科学学会环境医学与健康分会2015年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhumengen
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  To seek novel applications of molten slag from industrial wastes, we examined influences of the slag for microbial growth.For Escherichia coli, addition of the slag inhibited the growth by 80% under static culture condition though it had no significant effect under shake culture condition.Similarly, growth of aquatic microbes from fish aquariums was also inhibited by 80% by addition of the slag under static culture condition.Next, we tested whether the slag is also available as preservative for aquariums with fishes and vases with cut flowers.When the slags were added in the aquarium with neon tetras, the occurrence of algae was not observed during three months.And also, addition of the slags showed antiseptic effect for vase water with cut chrysanthemum flowers, and the vase lives were extended to 1.7 times longer than control vases.
  目的:基因组范围内探索母婴甲基化模式遗传关联性.方法:选择郑州市某卫生院分娩的健康孕妇和新生儿为研究对象,从孕妇静脉血和新生儿脐带血中提取基因组DNA;利用Illumina Hum
  Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with the characteristics of androgen excess,ovulatory dysfunction and polycystic ovaries is the most common cause of anovul
  正文.双酚A (BPA)是当今世界生产量最大的人造化学品之一(>60亿吨/年),广泛应用于食品和饮料包装、奶瓶等生活用品.BPA暴露和心血管疾病之间关系是最新关注的热点问题.流行