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The business conglomerates are the major one of all the characteristics of the South Korean businesses. They hare great achievements to the developing of the South Korean economics. In the early 60 , the South Korean chose a strategy which so develop the business conglomerates depending on concentrating funds and giving priority to the Development of the business conglomerates, because only doing it in order to accelerate the industrialization process, when the South Korean was a poor and under developed country, We should approve it and it is known to us that the business conglomerates made a greater contribution to the developing of the South Korean economics. However, the strategy have many problems which adopt multielement and high debts. On the process of developing the business conglomerates. And it is the bad management of the economic pattern. That initiate the finacial crisis.The business conglomerates are in crisis, pattern, adjustments brook no delay. They concern not only the business conglomerates. Them selves, but also the nation economy. Consenting the conditions of the IMP fund aid 1997.12.3; the president Jin Dazhong reached five agreements with the directors of the four biggest business conglomerates on the pattern adjustments 1998.l.l3. The five agreements are: l. Improve the openness of thebusiness managlment. 2. Eliminate the mulual assurance. Of the’subsidiary belonging to the business conglomerates.3. The epoch-making improving of the finance patterns.4. Define the core industrial of the business. 5. Strengthen theresponsibilities of the juridical persons and the managers. All ofabove formal pull open the prolaght of the business conglomerate’spattern adjustments, They also meet many difficult problems. Themajor of them are the large number unemployed and fund tight.It’s difficult to solve the problems thourgh although the SouthKorean adopts some policies.In spite of the difficult, the panem adjustInents have reachedJsome achivements, for example, the business’s debts are decordingfinance patterns are improving, the mutUal assurances areelmirating, the core industrials are defining, the nor-com industrialsarrangements are beginning, the sever industrial pallernadjustments are reaching to achivement and so on.The South Korean busincss conglometale’s futunes arebrilliant, however, they are some distance to the success and thepattem adjusrments are on the process. The pattrm adjustInents ofthe South Korean business conglomerates and its imProvements aregave to the China’s business refonnation and the fUnd reform, tbeyhave given some impowt enlightenment’s.