
来源 :湖南大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jingchengyu
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Over the last decade there has been increased research interest in the relationships between travel behavior and health, but the association between health and mode choice to facilities has only been studied to a limited extent. In my thesis, I use the polychotomous logit model for that I only include case specific variables. This thesis uses 2013-2015 CHARLS micro panel data examined association and causality of physical health indicators on mode choices to health facilities for outpatient and inpatient. The empirical results show that running 1km difficulty increase the probability of making a trip to out-patient facility and decrease the likelihood of making a trip relative to not make a trip to health facilities for in-patient. Condition on making a trip, it increase the probability of choosing bus mode relative to other modes for outpatient. And it decrease the probability of choosing electric bicycle mode relative to other modes for inpatient. After controlling province effect, this result is still robust. The good health status decrease the probability of making a trip relative to not make a trip to health facility for outpatient and not significant for inpatient. After controlling province effect, the results are still robust. These results are consistent with my hypothesis and some studies. The obesity effects on mode choice is not obvious both for outpatient and inpatient, this effect need more literature and empirical evidence. The trip factors increase the probability of making a trip relative to not make a trip to in-patient and out-patient facility. The country level health facilities visited increase the probability of making a trip relative to not make a trip to health facilities. What’s more, the first visit to health facilities for outpatient increase the probability of making a trip relative to not make a trip. The inpatient care last year also increase the probability of making a trip relative to not make a trip to health facilities. Conventional indicators of mode choice including, age, gender, urban, working status, drink habit, vehicle owned were found to be important in mode choice among older adults. Because the age limitation on car and motorcycle driving in China, I use age group to research the regulation effect on my model. Results shows that people who aged above 70 years old will less likely to choose car and bicycle mode to health facility for outpatient. But this effect is not obvious for inpatient modes. What’s more, some cities will ban on motorcycle in China. I use dummy variable ban on motorcycle find that the older people who live in city which has limitations on motorcycle mode will more likely to choose walk and car mode to health facility for outpatient. And this effect is also positively related mode choice to inpatient health facility except for bicycle and electric bicycle mode. The results of this study contribute to the very limited number of studies including physical aspects of health in relation to mode choice to health facilities among older adults. As only few studies have been made to study the associations between health and mode choice, especially mode choice to health facilities, my thesis can provide empirical evidence on improving health care facilities access to older population. Understanding the relationship between health and mode choice to health facilities, in relation to conventional indicators, can help support decision-makers and transportation planners develop more efficient interventions aimed at encourage country level of health facilities and road planning to ease the access to health facilities for older adults.
在教育领域,由于大数据的推动,社会将会与以往大不一样,一个新技术的出现,往往意味着势必会出现一个新兴的阶层。  印度教育科学家苏伽特·米特拉在大数据时代是一个里程碑式的人物。1999年,他创立了“墙中洞”计划,在印度乡村孩子们经常聚集的街头墙上装上了电脑屏幕,然后离开。试验表明,孩子们完全可以在没有教师的情况下,完成的学习。在以后的十多年里,米特拉在许多国家做了类似的教育实验。由此,他认为对教育完
  本文使用中国家庭收入调查(China Household Income Project, CH
在线教育、微课、慕课、电子书包等新鲜名词成为教育界、IT界、出版界、金融界热议的话题。眼下,一些从事互联网教育的IT公司已获得了数额惊人的风险投资。  关于教育信息化的未来,教育界人士作出了八个预言——  预言一:  屏幕成为学习的主要介质  虽然出版人还在眷恋纸书散发的淡淡清香,挑剔着电子阅读器这样那样的缺陷,但这类技术的难题终有一天会被技术解决。  面对各种屏幕的阅读和学习将成为未来的常态,由
国内的数据专家涂子沛曾写道:隐私学学者认为,这种信息加总和数据整合,无异于一种监控,准确地说,是一种“数据监控”(Dataveillance),是对个人隐私权的侵害。  大数据背景下,个人隐私保护的问题在于:一、这些数据是否属于我自愿上传的?二、这些数据的使用是否得到我的授权?三、数据整合会由谁来完成?  很显然,大部分的数据,尤其是“行为数据”并非我们上传,而是散落在各个地方,例如银行、医院、政
在中国这几年的发展中,只见大数据的正面鼓吹,而很少见到对大数据的警惕。作为一种工具,大数据在具备可以善意利用的价值之外,同样也具备极大的破坏性。   inBloom的倒掉  脱胎于美国共享合作学习联盟的inBloom是一个非营利机构。它在 2011年,由美国教育工作者、国家领导人、非营利基金会和教学内容与工具供应商构成。联盟的愿景很简单:创建资源共享联盟,让老师对学生进步有更全面的了解,在节省时间