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为了进一步推进我省高毒农药定点经营工作,7月27日陕西省农业厅在延安召开了全省高毒农药定点经营工作座谈会,会上,延安、商洛、咸阳、宝鸡等4市就高毒农药定点经营工作做了典型经验交流,西安、渭南、汉中、榆林等8市汇报了高毒农药定点经营工作开展情况,省药检所李智文副所长讲解了高毒农药定点经营审批程序。与会代表讨论了审批程序,分析了面临的形势与问题,实地参观了延安市的高毒农药定点经营门店。省农业厅白宜勤副厅长和延安市农业局杨继武局长出席了会议 In order to further promote the operation of designated poisonous pesticides in our province, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Agriculture held a seminar on fixed-point management of highly toxic pesticides in the province in Yan’an on 27 July. At the meeting, four cities including Yan’an, Shangluo, Xianyang and Baoji were high The designated operation of toxic pesticides made a typical experience exchange. Xi’an, Weinan, Hanzhong, Yulin and other 8 cities reported the implementation of the designated operation of highly toxic pesticides. Li Zhiwen, deputy director of the provincial drug inspection institute, explained the approval procedures for the targeted management of highly toxic pesticides. The delegates discussed the approval process, analyzed the situation and problems they faced, and visited the highly toxic pesticide designated stores in Yan’an on the spot. Bai Yiqin, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Yanji City Bureau of Agriculture Yang Jiwu attended the meeting
精液洗涤作为一种近年来开展的新的治疗不孕症的方法 ,已成为众多不孕症患者的福音。通过精液洗涤可提高精子的活动力 ,增加受孕机会。1 操作步骤严格遵守无菌操作规程 ,凡洗
A series of N-dioctylmethyl-2,7-carbazole-alt-5,7-bis(thiophen-2-yl)-2,3-biphenylthieno[3,4-b]pyrazine(PCz-3Th Pz-Ph)copolymeric derivatives appending various d
LPL绝对缺陷造成典型的家族性高乳糜微粒血症 ,罹患此症妇女罕见妊娠。本文报告 1例 18岁初产妇为与生俱来的LPL基因缺陷 ,高乳糜微粒血症 ,其甘油三酯 (TG)为 12 9mmol/L ,其中约 90 %为CM
1644年,李自成称王于西安,国号为顺,改元永昌铸永昌通宝有小平折五两种背无文.折五一般为3.5左右,《陕西金融·钱币研究》1996.1P2刊载一枚大型 In 1644, Li Zicheng was th
1996年5月,我有幸作为中 国安全科学专家代表团团 员,赴澳大利亚参加亚太地区安全科学大会。以下记述几则见闻,以反映澳洲在城建文化、环境文化、交通文化上的发展,相信对国
吕叔湘先生是我国著名的语言学家 ,他长期从事汉语语法研究 ,是近代汉语语法研究的开创人之一。建国后 ,他曾先后担任中国社会科学院语言研究所所长、中国文字改革委员会副主
近日,一泉友得一批明清铜钱.笔者从中拣得一枚永正通宝钱,背左右铸“宝源”二满文,直径2.20、穿0. Recently, a group of friends have a number of Ming and Qing dynasties