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介绍北方工业大学图书馆“考研专栏”与“英语园地”两个栏目的设计目的、具体功能等,指出高校图书馆特色信息资源建设应注重的5个方面:准确定位是建设的前提,加入数字资源建设联盟与合作开发馆藏是建设的基础,实体馆藏与虚拟馆藏相结合是建设的捷径,提供个性化信息服务是建设的关键,不断提高馆员知识水平、实行专人负责制是建设的保障。 This paper introduces the design purpose and specific functions of the two columns of “PubMed column” and “English garden” of the library of North China University of Technology. It points out five aspects that should be emphasized in the construction of characteristic information resources in university libraries: accurate positioning is the premise of construction, Resources Alliance and cooperation in the development of collections is the basis for construction, physical collections and virtual collections is a shortcut to construction, providing personalized information services is the key to building, and constantly improve the knowledge level of librarians, the implementation of the system of personal responsibility is the guarantee of construction.
为掌握有机磷中毒的特点、中毒的严重程度、临床过程和治疗效果 ,对以色列中部和南部 6家医院 1 979~ 1 997年期间急性有机磷中毒住院的病人进行调查。调查的内容包括患者的性
背景 X-链锁McLeod神经棘细胞综合征是一种血液、神经、中枢神经系统(CNS)多系统紊乱综合征。目前所有检测出的McLeod血型表现型携带者至少有系统受累的亚临床表现。研究设
Objective: We hypothesized that umbilical vein serum soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 (sFlt1) concentration was augmented in preeclampsia. We also explored a
文章分析了黄河包头段防凌形势及产生的主要原因,进而提出了防治对策。 The article analyzes the situation of Baotou section of the Yellow River and the main reasons
患者男 ,2 3岁 ,既往身体健康。因失眠、妄闻、疑心 ,行为怪异 1月余入院 ,诊断为分裂精神病。入院后血常规、心电图、肝功、血生化等检查正常。单用氯氮平 2 5mg ,bid治疗 ,
近二年来笔者遇到 2例口服头孢羟氨苄引起的过敏性休克 ,特报告如下。  例 1,女性 ,35岁 ,因鼻窦炎服头孢羟氨苄胶囊 0 375g后 30分钟出现全身皮肤发红、胸闷、心悸 ,继而