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几年来,我省手工业生产合作社矿的数量有了很大的发展,以煤矿来说,从1952年至1956年上半年4年多的时间内,初步统计全省共有505个小窑,先后组织改造为手工业生产合作社矿的有428个。经过改造所起的变化是:职工人数增多,厂矿规模扩大,生产、安全设备逐步有了改善与加强,生产量逐渐增加。这些都充分显示了组织起来的优越性。这些组织起来的矿,从1955年以前来看,由于各专、市、县矿业管理机构在当地党政统一领导与手工业生产社领导部门密切配合协作下,故在行政管理和技术指导上一般均比较重视,因而对生产社矿开采方法的改进,经营管理的改善,以及生产制度的建立与健全等方面都有不同程度的提高,从而初步改变了个体开采经营时所遗留下来的落后面貌。但是自1955年8月份以来,各专、市、县矿业管理机构先后变动,同时地方国营、公私合营厂矿不断的发展与增加,因而不少地区只注意了对地方国营和公私合营厂矿的管理,而放松了对生产社矿的管理与指导。如据崞县宽坪煤业社干部郝和保反映: In recent years, the number of handicraft production cooperatives in our province has greatly developed. In terms of coal mines, from 1952 to the first half of 1956 over a period of more than four years, a total of 505 small kilns across the province were initially identified There are 428 converted into handicraft production cooperative mine. After the transformation of the changes are: the number of workers increased, the scale of factories and mines expanded, production, safety equipment has been gradually improved and strengthened, the production increased gradually. All these fully demonstrate the superiority of organization. These organized mines, from 1955 before the point of view, due to the various, municipal and county mining management agencies in the local party and government unified leadership and handicrafts industry production departments in close cooperation with the leadership department, it is generally in the administrative and technical guidance Therefore, the improvement of production and mining methods, the improvement of management and operation, and the establishment and improvement of the production system have all been improved in varying degrees, thus initially changing the backwardness left over by individual mining operations. However, since August 1955, the mining management agencies of various prefectures, cities and counties have successively changed their positions. At the same time, the state-owned and public-private joint-stock factories and mines have been continuously developing and increasing. As a result, many regions only pay attention to the management of local state-owned and public- The production of community management and guidance. According to Pixian Kadai Coal Industry Association Hao and Paul reflect:
本文作者是美国国际电话电报公司总裁,著名企业 家,他在本文中批判了国际时行的企业管理“X”、“Y”、“Z”、诸理论后,提出了一个惊人的“G”理论:你不能光依靠某一理论去
目的:讨论甲状腺在妊娠期的功能变化,以及血清学指标的变化趋势;建立妊娠阶段特异性的甲状腺功能指标:促甲状腺素(Thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH)、游离甲状腺素(Freethyroxine,F
系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)是一种多基因遗传疾病,好发于育龄女性,是以B淋巴细胞高度活化,产生多种自身抗体而导致组织损害为特征的自身免疫性疾病,主