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受上世纪九十年代的科技水平与经费等条件限制,我局农村有线电视网(以下简称“农网”)属于在各乡镇有线网络基础上联网扩建的,只租用了单根光纤,通过联通光缆把局前端发出的1550nm光信号送至各乡镇分前端,在各乡镇分前端通过光接-光发方式转为1310nm光信号,再由分前端通过自建光缆送到各村。连接分前端与各村节点的光缆基本上也都是两芯光缆。各村只有一到两个光接收机,光接以下全部为放大器级连。多年来虽经维修人员艰苦努力,辛勤维护,但随着节目数量的不断增加,线路持续老化,信号指标持续下降,故障率也快速增高,已经出现严重的中段鼓包现象,用户满意率降低。本文对有农村有线电视网路的建设与改造思路进行了探讨。 Limited by the scientific and technological level and funding of the 1990s, the rural cable television network (hereinafter referred to as “rural network ”) of our bureau belongs to the network expansion based on the wired network of all towns and villages and only rented a single optical fiber, Through the Unicom fiber optic cable front of the bureau sent 1550nm optical signal sent to the front-end sub-township, in the township sub-front through the optical access - light to 1310nm optical signal, and then sub-front through self-built optical cable to the village. The cable connecting the front end to each village node is basically a two-core cable. Each village has only one or two optical receivers, followed by the following all optical amplifiers. Over the years though maintenance personnel worked hard and hard to maintain, but with the increasing number of programs, the line continued to deteriorate, signal indicators continued to decline, the failure rate is also rapidly increasing, there has been a serious phenomenon of the middle of the drum, the user satisfaction rate decreased. This article discusses the construction and renovation of rural cable television network.
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