BASF-YPC's Cracker to Shut down for Maintenance in April and May 2010

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BASF-YPC Company Limited will shut downits steam cracker for a mandatory maintenanceturnaround in April and May 2010,and duringthis time continue work for its capacity expansionfrom 600 000 t/a to 740 000 t/a ofethylene.BASF released on January 11th.BASF-YPC’s nine existing downstreamplants will also be shut down for maintenanceduring parts of this period.Contractual obligationsto customers during this period willbe adjusted according to the actual mainte- BASF-YPC Company Limited will shut downits steam cracker for a mandatory maintenance work in April and May 2010, and during time continuous work for its capacity expansion from 600 000 t / a to 740 000 t / a of. BASF released on January 11th. BASF- YPC’s nine existing downstreamplants will also be shut down for maintenance parts of this period. Contractual obligationsto customers during this period will be adjusted according to the actual mainte-
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