
来源 :湖北气象 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zguohui69
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1995年度全省冬季和早春气候温暧,鄂西北、鄂北岗地少雨干旱;春播后期到出梅前,连阴雨、干旱、暴雨洪涝、大风、冰雹等多种气象灾害相继发生,东部和南部的暴雨洪涝和鄂西北的持续干旱尤为突出;出梅后北部旱情逐步缓解,鄂东和江汉平原高温少雨,一度发生干旱;秋季大部地区秋高气爽,无寒露风影响。总之,1995年全省大部地区春夏农业气象条件比1994年差,其间灾害频繁,南涝北旱是造成冬小麦和早稻减产(比1994年)以及春播作物前期苗情差的主要原因,后期的气象条件有较大转机,秋收作物生长发育关键季节基本无灾,因此尽管1995年遭受了较严重的旱涝等灾害,但农业生产收成较好。湖北省主要农作物生育期农业气象条件评述如下。 In the year of 1995, the climate of the whole province was warm in winter and early spring, and there was little rain and drought in the northwestern Hubei and northern Hubei. Before the spring sowing, the rainstorms, droughts, floods, winds, hail and other meteorological disasters occurred one after another, and torrential rains in the east and south Floods and continued drought in northwestern Hubei Province were particularly prominent. After the emergence of plum, the northern drought gradually eased and the northeast and Jianghan Plain became hot and dry at one time. In autumn, most of the autumn was cool and without dew and dew. In short, the agro-meteorological conditions in spring and summer in most parts of the province were worse than those in 1994 in 1995, with frequent disasters during the drought-stricken period. The main reason for the poor yield of winter wheat and early rice (compared with 1994) Of the weather conditions have a greater turn for the better, autumn crop growth and development of key seasons basically no disaster, so despite the 1995 suffered more serious droughts and floods and other disasters, but better agricultural production. Hubei Province, the main crops of agricultural meteorological conditions are as follows.
时间没有早一步,也没有晚一步,就那么刚刚好。2008年,相继拆档的Neil Jones&Ekaterina Sokolova一试手,便认定彼此间的舞蹈是契合的。之后的两人,无论是从第一次亮相Internat
(1)生字读音 修订后教材的所有生字均依据普通话审音委员会编、文字改革出版社出版的《普通话异读字审音表》(1985年12月修订,1986年版)注音。如“往”原有“wáng”和“wà
2008年4月25日上午,贵州省政协副主席、省教育厅厅长孔令中一行莅临我院视察指导工作,陪同视察的有教育厅机关 On the morning of April 25, 2008, Kong Lingzhong, vice ch