Low-cost, green synthesis of highly porous carbons derived from lotus root shell as superior perform

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redbattleline
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Facile production of high quality activated carbons from biomass materials has greatly triggered much attention presently. In this paper, a series of interconnected porous carbon materials from lotus root shells biomass are prepared via simple pyrolysis and followed by a KOH activation process. The prepared carbons exhibit high specific surface areas of up to 2961 m~2/g and large pore volume~1.47 cm3/g. In addition, the resultant porous carbons served as electrode materials in supercapacitor exhibit high specific capacitance and outstanding recycling stability and high energy density. In particular, their specific capacitance retention was almost 100% after 10500 cycles at a current density of 2 A/g. Remarkabely, the impact of the tailored specific surface areas of various carbon samples on their capacitive performances is systematically investigated.Generally, it was believed that the highly-developed porosity features(including surface areas and pore volume and pore size-distributions), together with the good conductivity of activated carbon species, play a key role in effectively improving the storage energy performances of the porous carbon electrode materials in supercapacitor. Facile production of high quality activated carbons from biomass materials has greatly triggered much attention presently. In this paper, a series of interconnected porous carbon materials from lotus root shells biomass are prepared via simple pyrolysis and followed by a KOH activation process. The prepared carbons exhibit High addition surface areas up to 2961 m 2 / g and large pore volume ~ 1.47 cm 3 / g. In addition, the resulting porous carbons served as electrode materials in supercapacitor exhibit high specific capacitance and outstanding recycling stability and high energy density. In In particular, their specific capacitance retention was almost 100% after 10500 cycles at a current density of 2 A / g. Remarkabely, the impact of the tailored specific surface areas of various carbon samples on their capacitive performances is systematically investigated. Generally, it was believed that the highly-developed porosity features (including surface areas and pore volume and pore size-distributi ons), together with the good conductivity of activated carbon species, play a key role in substantial improving the storage energy performances of the porous carbon electrode materials in supercapacitor.
摘 要:企业集团财务公司的不断完善与发展,一定程度上推动了资金结算中心制度的确立,已经得到了企业集团内部的高度重视与关注。企业集团财务公司资金结算中心制度的建设,可以提升企业集团财务公司经营活动的质量和水平。本文主要针对企业集团财务公司资金结算中心制度完善与风险控制展开深入的研究,并提出几点针对性的优化策略,以供相关人士的参考。  关键词:企业集团;财务结算中心;风险控制;优化策略;研究  目前,
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许多准妈妈,特别是体重偏重的大龄准妈妈会较多遇到妊娠高血糖的问题。为什么自己没什么感觉,却患上了糖尿病?这让准妈妈们又困惑又担心。下面,我们将透过一些数字来了解妊娠高血糖。    大龄准妈妈易患妊娠糖尿病的2大原因    与25岁的孕妇相比,25岁以上的高龄孕妇的妊娠期糖尿病发病率要高出前者的5.2倍,如果为40岁以上则高出8.2倍。  1 随年龄增长机体糖耐量有所减低:  2 进入中年前后,孕妇
我父亲患有糖尿病,长期服降糖药,血糖能控制在正常范围。请问,此时是否能少量饮酒?广东孙卫 My father is suffering from diabetes, long-term hypoglycemic agents, blood