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在历史课堂教学中,识图教学占有十分重要的地位。它有利于学生深入理解和牢固掌握历史基础知识,有利于培养学生的能力,有利于对学生进行思想教育。怎样进行识图教学呢? 一、图文结合,突出重点历史课文中的图像,往往与课文重点内容息息相关。重视识图教学,常常是突出教学重点的途径之一。如古代埃及这一章里的《建造金字塔》图,在教学中图文结合,把图里正在建造金字塔的设计师和站在巨石重压的木橇上泼水的人物情景,以及画面上劳累昏倒的奴隶和高举皮鞭的监工形象,给以指示说明,富于情感地表述。那么,对于金字塔的建造,是古代埃及劳动人民智慧的结晶,又是劳动人民被奴役的历史见证,就有更深的理解,人类迄今最早有文字记载的奴隶大起义为什么会发生,古埃及为什么产生这样灿烂文化就不言而喻了。又如,世界近代史第三章,《西欧国家争夺殖民霸权的斗争》内容里,有三幅历史画图:《新阿姆斯特丹初建景象》、《印第安人友好接待初到北美的 In history classroom teaching, map-reading teaching occupies a very important position. It is conducive to students’ in-depth understanding and solid knowledge of the basic knowledge of history. It is conducive to cultivating students’ abilities and is conducive to ideological education for students. How to carry out graphic teaching? First, the combination of graphic and text, highlighting the image of key historical texts, is often closely related to the key content of the text. Paying attention to graphic education is often one of the ways to highlight the focus of teaching. For example, in the chapter “Building a Pyramid” in the chapter of ancient Egypt, combining the graphic and text in teaching, the figures who are constructing the pyramids in the map and the water splashing on the sledges that stand on the pressure of the boulder, and the pictures are fainted. The image of slaves and supervisors holding up whips gave instructions and expressed them emotionally. Well, the construction of the pyramid is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient Egyptian working people and the historical witness of the enslavement of the working people. There is a deeper understanding. Why did humanity’s earliest recorded slave revolt? This brilliant culture is self-evident. Another example is the third chapter of the modern history of the world. In the content of the struggle for western colonial hegemony in Western European countries, there are three historical paintings: The New Amsterdam’s First Construction Scene, and the Indians’ Friendly Reception Beginning in North America.