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不知道是我学的汉语过时了,还是现在的人像是越来越不会说话了,总之,我每天都听到不像话的话。比如“世界禁毒日”那天,听到电视播音员说:“……一举抓获了正在进行毒品交易的三位毒贩……”另有播音员报道某地“两位毒贩被押赴刑场执行死刑”。比起同一时期报刊上称“11名老师”、“21个民工”,这“几位毒贩”如贵宾领导一样地称“位”,庶几可称为“成功人士”了。不久前有家报纸的“案情回放”称几名劫匪“在监狱服刑时就相濡以沫”,也让人感到怪异。 I don’t know if the Chinese I’ve learned is outdated, or if the portraits of today are less and less talkative. In short, I’ve heard a lot of words every day. For example, on the day of the World Anti-Drug Day, television broadcasters were heard saying: “...had caught three drug dealers engaged in drug trade in one fell swoop...” and another announcer reported that “two drug dealers were taken to the execution ground to execute the death penalty” . Compared to newspapers and periodicals in the same period called “11 teachers” and “21 migrant workers,” the “drug dealers” called the “bit” like the VIP leaders. The few can be called “successful people.” Not long ago, the “replay of the case” of some newspapers claimed that several robbers “would have been inconvenient when they were serving prison sentences.” It was also weird.
1 前言意大利发动机制造商隆巴迪尼(Lombardini)发动机公司是努力降低小型柴油机排放的倡导者,其研究与发展机构的降低排放规划远远领先该领域中的第一个法规。80年代后半期
·综合评述·柴油机—未来小型车动力的一种选择(n)···……(1 .4) ·考察报告·美国威斯康星大学发动机研究中心及其主要研究方向(5 .4) ·市场动态·五十铃公司的2005年
Ⅰ.词汇A.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.You should drink p of water.It’s good foryour health.2.H elen is a scientist.She has been doing herr work for m any year
《语文课程标准》指出,语文学习要打破课内与课外、校内与校外的壁垒,充分利用课本以外的语文资源,引导学生投身语文实践,培养语文能力,促进主动发展。 The standard of Chi
1 概况本钢二铁厂2台265m~2烧结机工程是目前国内大型烧结工程之一,计划在1996年底先建成1台,待完全建成投产后可年产整粒冷烧结矿490万t,烧结机作业率88%,烧结机利用系数1.
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真相大白圆头怪人被抬到了大爆炸调查队的简易平房里,胡博士为圆头怪人布置了四周用铅板密封的特殊检查室,以防放射性射线辐射伤人。穿着防护服的胡博 The truth is that th