The chest X-ray image features of patients with severe SARS: a preliminary study

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangxinnet
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Objective To study the chest X ray image features of patients with severe SARS Methods Chest X ray image features in 36 patients with severe SARS were retrospectively analyzed The image characteristics were compared with those of 224 patients with common SARS Results The important chest X ray imaging features of 36 patients with severe SARS included small patch of infiltration (n=27, 75 0%), large patch of infiltration (n=22, 61 1%), large area of lung consolidation (n=10, 27 3%), interstitial lung lesion (n=26, 72 2%), ground glass shadow (n=28, 77 8%), irregular linear opacity (n=15, 41 7%), diffuse lung lesion (n=12, 33 3%), with single lung involved (n=9, 25 0%), and both lungs involved (n=32, 88 9%) The rates of large patch of infiltration, large area of lung consolidation, ground glass shadow, diffuse lung lesion and involvement of both lungs in patients with severe SARS were significantly higher than those in patients with common type of SARS (all P <0 01) Out of the 11 severe SARS patients who died, nine had large area of ground glass shadow with air bronchogram in both lungs before death Conclusions Large patch of infiltration, large area of consolidation, ground glass shadow, diffuse lung lesion and involvement of both lungs were the main X ray image characteristics of patients with severe SARS Large area of ground glass shadow with air bronchogram in both lungs indicated a bad prognosis Objective To study the chest X ray image features of patients with severe SARS Methods Chest X ray image features in 36 patients with severe SARS were retrospectively analyzed The image characteristics were compared with those of 224 patients with common SARS Results The important chest X ray imaging features of 36 patients with severe SARS included small patch of infiltration (n = 27, 75 0%), large patch of infiltration (n = 22, 61 1%), large area of ​​lung consolidation interstitial lung lesion (n = 26, 72 2%), ground glass shadow (n = 28,777%), irregular linear opacity (n = 15, 41 7% ), with single lung involvement (n = 9, 25%), and both lungs involved (n = 32, 88 9%) The rates of large patch of infiltration, large area of ​​lung consolidation, ground glass shadow, diffuse lung lesion and involvement of both lungs in patients with severe SARS were significantly higher than those in patients with common type of SARS (all P <0 01) Out of the 11 severe SARS patients who died, nine had large area of ​​ground glass shadow with air bronchogram in both lungs before death Conclusions Large patch of infiltration, large area of ​​consolidation, ground glass shadow, diffuse lung lesion and involvement of both lungs were the main X ray image characteristics of patients with severe SARS Large area of ​​ground glass shadow with air bronchogram in both lungs indicating a bad prognosis
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信号处理技术在光纤陀螺向实用化发展的过程中起着重要作用。本文给出了一种基于 DSP的全数字信号处理方法。该方法不仅提高了开环光纤陀螺系统的动态范围 ,而且很好地解决了
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再燃烧是一种成熟的低NOx 燃烧技术 ,它是利用燃料分级 ,形成还原性气氛 ,迫使NOx 分解 .本文从煤岩学的观点 ,讨论了以神俯烟煤作为再燃燃料的再燃烧 .通过试验研究得到神俯