Highly selective synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes from methane in a coupled Downer-turbul

来源 :Journal of Energy Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayleardutt
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For the synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) from CH4 over a Fe/MgO catalyst, we proposed a coupled Downer-turbulent fluidized-bed (TFB) reactor to enhance the selectivity and yield (or production rate) of SWCNTs. By controlling a very short catalyst residence time (1-3s) in the Downer, only part of Fe oxides can be reduced to form Fe nano particles (NPs) available for the growth of SWCNTs. The percentage of unreduced Fe oxides increased and the yield of SWCNTs decreased accordingly with the increase of catalyst feeding rate in Downer. SWCNTs were preferentially grown on the catalyst surface and inhibited the sintering of the Fe crystallites which would be formed thereafter in the downstream TFB, evidenced by TEM, Raman and TGA. The coupled Downer-turbulent fluidized-bed reactor technology allowed higher selectivity and higher production rate of SWCNTs as compared to TFB alone. For the synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) from CH4 over a Fe / MgO catalyst, we propose a coupled Downer-turbulent fluidized-bed (TFB) reactor to enhance the selectivity and yield (or production rate) of SWCNTs. By only one part of Fe oxides can be reduced to form Fe nano particles (NPs) available for the growth of SWCNTs. The percentage of unreduced Fe oxides increased and the yield of SWCNTs decreased accordingly with the increase of catalyst feeding rate in Downer. SWCNTs were preferentially grown on the catalyst surface and inhibited the sintering of the Fe crystallites which would be formed thereafter in the downstream TFB, evidenced by TEM, Raman and TGA. The coupled Downer -turbulent fluidized-bed reactor technology allowed higher selectivity and higher production rate of SWCNTs as compared to TFB alone.
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