A Season for Hymning and Hawing

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Technically, it begins next week. Actually, itbegan with the epic sigh of relief that could besensed all over the U. S. right after Labor Day.Even before it arrives, Americans always manageto get into autumn. And no wonder. It is easilythe most habitable season of the year. Indeed, autumn deserves a hymn - and ithas received far less tribute than it deserves. True,some mixed notices have come in over the cen-turies. Horace slandered autumn as a “dread” peri-od - “harvest-season of the Goddess of Death.” Technically, it begins next week. Actually, itbegan with the epic sigh of relief that could besensed all over the US right after Labor Day. Even before it arrives, Americans always manage to get into autumn. And no wonder. It is easily the most habitable season Indeed, some mixed notices have come in over the cen-turies. Horace slandered autumn as a “dread” peri-od - “harvest-season of the Goddess of Death. ”
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1999年6月17日,时任中共中央总书记的江泽民,在西北五省区国有企业改革和发展座谈会上就加快中西部地区发展发表重要讲话。他强调,加快开发西部地区,对于推进全国的改革和建设,对于保持党和国家的长治久安,是一个全局性的发展战略,不仅具有重大的经济意义,而且具有重大的政治和社会意义。  这一年, “西部大开发”这个概念在多个场合被多次提及,并成为舆论关注的焦点话题,但一切都还停留在一种战略构想的层面上