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我省海岸綫全长有2840公里,北起福鼎,南到诏安为止跨22个县(市),这一婉蜒曲折的狭长地带,是我省主要平原地带,盛产粮食、水果、甘蔗、黄麻等各种经济作物和鱼、盐。在这一美好的土地上,由于过去反动政府的破坏和摧残,森林植被、破坏无遗,风、沙、潮侵以及水土流失均极为严重,以致草木不生,农业年年受到危害而欠收。沿海丘陵山地多已遭冲刚成为岩石裸露的石头山,大量泥沙付之东海。由于泥沙沉积海岸,加之海风劲吹,年复一年,沿海一带便形成了约70万亩的沙荒,大风一来,黄沙滚滚内移,埋没农田、村庄、道路和灌溉设施,给沿海农业生产带来了极大的威胁。据调查:东山县解放前埋没土地约占全县总面积 The coastline of our province has a total length of 2,840 kilometers, starting from Fuding in the north and crossing 22 counties (cities) in the south to Zhaoan. This long and narrow strip of land stretches over the main plains of our province and is rich in grains, fruits, sugarcane, Jute and other cash crops and fish, salt. In this beautiful land, due to the destruction and destruction of the reactionary government in the past, the vegetation, destruction of the wind, sand, tidal intrusion and soil erosion are so serious that vegetation is not born and agriculture is harmed year after year. Coastal hills and mountains have been more than just become bare rock stone mountain, a lot of sediment to pay the East China Sea. Due to sediment deposition on the coast, coupled with the sea breeze blowing, year after year, about 700000 acres of sand and shoal formed along the coast, the gale, the yellow sand billowing, buried farmland, villages, roads and irrigation facilities to the coast Agricultural production poses a great threat. According to the survey: Dongshan County buried land before liberation accounts for the total area of ​​the county
<正> 一、前言都安位于广西中部偏西的红水河北岸,境内山多地少,山地面积约占总土地面积90%以上,其中石灰岩山地面积占60—70%,耕地面积仅占总土地面积5.4%,向来有“九分石头
【正】 At a time the whole petrochemical industry is delaying or reducing investments,Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co.,Ltd.announced plans to spend RMB30
950244根据电波吸收导出的80—100km 上的星际波活动(2—15日)的长期趋势 (英文)JATP,1994,Vol.56,No.8,PP.893—900950245使用辐射计测量修正卫星信标传播数据(英文)IEE Pr
一、引言 对不同森林类型和植物群落易燃性的研究是进行森林防火和营林用火的基础,也是研究林火发生和林火行为予测予报的重要理论依据。 不同季节、不同森林类型和植物群落
【正】 PetroChina Company Limited(PetroChina,HK:857,SH:601857) an-nounced on June completion of theacquisition of a 45.51% indirect interest inSingapore Petrole
【正】 China Petrochemical Corporation (SinopecGroup) is eager to acquire Switzerland-basedAddax Petroleum Corporation through its fully-owned subsidiary Sinope
新课改背景下,“课程整合”已成为一个重要的标签,课程整合的过程,离不开学生将一门课程所学的内容迁移至另一门课程,这一迁移过程,在教育心理学中称为“学习迁移”。 In th