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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 为进一步规范行政事业性收费单位的执收行为,省政府决定在全省范围内开展行政事业性收费(含政府性基金,下同)管理改革,现就有关事宜通知如下: 一、开展收费管理改革的目的和原则这次开展行政事业性收费管理改革的主要目的是: 1、适应政府机构改革后各部门职能变化的需要,通过调整执收部门的收费项目和规范执收行为,促进政府职能转变; 2、根据西部大开发和改善投资环境的需要,清理取消一批不适应目前形势发展需要的 Xining City, the People’s Government of each autonomous prefectures, Haidong Administrative Office, the provincial commissions, offices, offices and bureaus: In order to further standardize the acceptance of administrative charges units, the provincial government decided to conduct administrative fees within the province ( Including government funds, the same below) to manage the reform, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: First, to carry out the purpose and principles of charge management reform The main purpose of the reform of administrative fees management: 1, to adapt to the reform of government agencies 2, according to the needs of the western development and improve the investment environment, clean up and eliminate a number of groups not suited to the needs of the current situation of development
海关总署,各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局),国家税务局: 经国务院批准,现将饲料产品征免增值税问题通知如下:一、自2000年6月1日起,饲料产品分为征收增值税和免
The protective role of a human erythro-cyte-derived depressing factor (EDDF) on blood vessels was evaluated. The experiments were carried out on 25 male Wistar
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5月22日,纽约市举行一年一度的跳舞游行,上千人组成的160支舞蹈队伍向沿途观众献上了60余种形式的舞蹈。 On May 22, New York City held its annual dance parade, where m