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心理活动(心里想讲的话)跟言语活动(讲出来的话)是有区别的。所谓言语自我控制就是心里想的有意不说出来。或者话到了嘴边,发现说出去效果不佳,立即调整措辞和语气,换个方式讲出来。用控制论解释,我们脑子里每天想讲的话是个全集合,能讲的话(即符合个人身份,估计对方可以接受)是个子集合,人们讲话时都把全集合范围控制在子集合范围之内,从全集合到子集合就是实现言语控制。这种言语自我控制常常表现在以下三方面: 第一,男女关系上。有个学者说过,人对美产生一种占有的念头。比方说,在街上见到一位漂亮姑娘,也许你会下意识地多看她两眼,心想“我要是娶她做老婆那可美了。”在汉族文化传统里,如(有妇之夫)对别人说出这内心秘密,会被认为卑鄙下流。因此,这种思想即使产生也只能存在心理,对谁都不能说出去的。 第二,政治问题上。例如对党的领导,社会主义方向,毛泽东思想和无产阶级专政,你在脑子里可能想得很多。也可能有想不通的地方,可是对一般人也不能讲出来。否则,会被人汇报上去,把你视为持不同政见者,闹“自由化”,对你十分不利。十年动乱时期,社会生活到处充满着排斥和斗争,种种排斥观念在言语活动中都有具体反映。平白无故地把人揪 Mental activity (what you want to say in your heart) is different from verbal activity (what you say). The so-called verbal self-control is the intention of the heart do not say it. Or words to the mouth and found that out of the poor results, immediately adjust the wording and tone, another way out. Using cybernetics to explain, the words we want to talk about every day in our mind are a complete collection. The words that can be spoken (that is, they are in line with the individual’s identity and are estimated to be acceptable to each other) are sub-collections in which people control the entire collection within the scope of the sub-collection, From full collection to sub-collection is the realization of speech control. This self-control of speech is often manifested in the following three aspects: First, the relationship between men and women. Some scholars have said that people have an idea of ​​possession of the United States. For example, seeing a pretty girl in the street, maybe you would look at her more consciously and think “I would marry me if I married her as a wife.” In the Han cultural tradition, Husband) to say the secret to others, will be considered mean dirty. Therefore, even if this kind of thinking is produced, there can only be psychology, and no one can say it to anyone. Second, on political issues. For example, in the leadership of the party, the socialist orientation, Mao Zedong Thought and the dictatorship of the proletariat, you may think a lot in your mind. There may be somewhere else, but it can not be spoken to most people. Otherwise, it will be reported by people and regard you as a dissident. Making “liberalization” is very detrimental to you. Ten years of turmoil, social life full of exclusion and struggle everywhere, all kinds of exclusion concepts in the speech activities have a specific reflection. Plainly pulling people