陈云副总理对物价问题与发行公债的报告 一九四九年十二月二日在中央人民政府委员会第四次会议上

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这次从十月中旬开始的币价下跌和物价上涨,对于全国人民的损失,是很大的。尤其是对几百万解放军和全国依靠工资生活的劳动人民。这次币价下跌,物价上涨的主要原因,是政府的财政赤字庞大,因此而来的钞票发行过多。在大陆上,人民解放军把国民党残匪打得鸡飞狗散,广大地区已经获得解放。这一方面,是令人非常兴奋的,但是,随着这个胜利而来的,是政府财政支出大大增加。军政公教人员已经超过了七百万,估计明年还会增加。但是在今年的财政收入方面,远赶不上支出的需要。经过长期战争的老解放区,直到今天还在以很大数量的粮食、物资支持前线和新解放城市。在新解放区仅仅有一部分地方,开始征收公粮。也因为新解放区结束战争不久,土匪尚未肃清、铁路修复不易,城乡交流需要经过一个恢复过程,所以城市的税收,也是很少的。这样,就使政府的财政支出与收入之间,大大不相符。为了弥补赤字,暂时不能不依靠发行钞票。这是币价下跌,物价大涨的根本原因。 This time from mid-October the drop in the price of coins and the rise in prices have been enormous for the loss of the entire nation. Especially to millions of working people who rely on wages in the People’s Liberation Army and in the entire country. The main reason for the drop in the price of the currency and the rise in prices was that the government had a huge fiscal deficit and therefore overdraft of banknotes. On the mainland, the People’s Liberation Army has liberated the Kuomintang bandits from slaughtering, and vast areas have been liberated. On this aspect, it is very exciting. However, with this victory comes a tremendous increase in government fiscal expenditure. Military and public education staff has more than seven million, is estimated to increase next year. However, in this year’s fiscal revenue, it is far behind the need for expenditure. After the long war, the old liberated areas are still supporting the front lines and the newly liberated cities with a large amount of food and materials. Only part of the newly liberated areas began to collect grain. Also because of the end of the war in the newly liberated areas, the bandits have not yet been eliminated, the railways are not easy to repair and urban-rural exchanges need to go through a recovery process. Therefore, the tax revenue in the cities is also very small. In this way, the fiscal expenditures and revenues of the government are greatly different. In order to make up for the deficit, we can not but rely on issuing banknotes temporarily. This is the root cause of the falling price of the currency and the soaring prices.
今年8月 22 日 ,是 伟大的马克思主义者,无 产阶级革 命家、政治家、军事家、外 交家、我国 社会主义改革开放和现代 化建设的 总设计师邓小平同志 诞生 100 周年 纪念日。邓
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