The Pained Original

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Arguing that, outside class-rooms, discussions on the relationship between translated product and the‘original’do not advance ourunderstanding of translation. The article analyses the nature of‘originals’. It points out that many originals are poorly composed and notes that thereare efforts to make people write clearly. Attention is called to‘internationalisation’of texts for easy translation and‘localisation’.‘Culturaltexts’present hurdles and it is exemplified how cultural information embedded is difficult to convey to foreign audiences. It is discussed how‘originals’change in time: this includes manuals as well as some‘classics’in literature. Other‘originals’, notably in literature published in the UK and theUS, change according to the country of publication. Finally, the article points out that at many international organisations, most obviously so at theEuropean Union with eleven official languages, there is a division of labour. In this division one or two versions of texts(in English or French)are used firstas repositories of the negotiations and as a record of agreements, then as the source text for the ten or nine other language versions, and in the end as oneof the eleven equally authoritative texts of which none can claim superiority over the others. Arguing that, outside class-rooms, discussions on the relationship between translated product and the’original’do not advance ourunderstanding of translation. The articles analyzes the nature of’originals’. It points out that many originals are poorly composed and notes that thereare efforts to make people write clearly. Attention is called to’internationalisation’of texts for easy translation and’localisation ’.’ Culturaltexts’present hurdles and it is historical how cultural information embedded is difficult to convey to foreign audiences. It is discussed how ’ originals’change in time: this includes manuals as well as some’classics’in literature. Other’originals’, notably in literature published in the UK and theUS, change according to the country publication. Finally, the article points out that at many international organizations, most so so so the theuropean Union with eleven official languages, there is a division of labor. In this division o ne or two versions of texts (in English or French) are used first as repositories of the negotiations and as a record of agreements, then as the source text for the ten or nine other language versions, and in the end as one of the eleven equally authoritative texts of which none none claim superiority over the others.
蓄势已久的大片狂潮终于喷礴而出啦!在经过九月中短暂地热身之后,在国庆节假期的前后,今年以来碟市的最大一轮冲击波终于到来,各位看官可要盯牢了…… After a long warm-u
在球迷的精神食粮中,篮球是一道不可或缺的大菜。菜有风格不同,中国菜中就有川、粤、鲁、苏四大菜系之别。我观篮球,恰好也正可以川菜、粤菜、鲁菜和苏菜这几大菜系作比。 C