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“一把手”监督难,原因是多方面的。既有机制体制不健全的问题,也有“一把手”自身的问题,既有党内监督不到位的问题,也有群众参与度不高的问题。如何解决“一把手”监督难的问题,依笔者浅见,可以有针对性地从以下几个方面入手。坚持教育为先,着力解决“自我监督太假”的问题。一是抓好经常性教育。开展理想信念教育,防止思想滑坡;开展党纪政纪教育,消除法治盲区;开展反面典型教育,克服侥幸心理。二是抓好针对性教育。对管人财 “Leader ” Supervision difficult, for many reasons. There are also problems with inadequate institutional mechanisms in place as well as problems with the “top leaders” themselves. Both the problem of lack of inner-party supervision and the problem of low participation of the masses are also the issue. How to solve “Leader ” supervision difficult problem, according to the author humble opinion, can be targeted from the following aspects. Adhere to education first, and strive to solve the “self-supervision too fake” issue. First, do a good job of regular education. To carry out the education of ideal and faith, to prevent the ideological decline; to carry out the education of party discipline and political discipline, eliminate the blind spots of the rule of law; to carry out typical negative education to overcome the chance. Second, do a good job of targeted education. On the management of people’s wealth
申请号 :0 0 10 45 6 7;申请日 :2 0 0 0年 3月 2 3日 ;申请人 :吉林大学 ;公开 公告号 :12 6 4717;公开 公告日 :2 0 0 0年 8月 30日。文摘 :本发明是利用小本体聚丙烯改
将双基区晶体管(DUBAT)与一光电探测器件相结合,首次实现了三端负阻器件的光控调频效应。得到每lux光强改变频率2.0×105Hz(对光敏电阻)和每lux光强改变频率2.8×105Hz(对光电二极管)的实验结果 The dual-base-
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水杉(Metasequoia glyptostroboides)实生大苗培育技术,经我所四年来多点反复进行小面积试验,1年生苗平均高69.6厘米,地径1.44厘米,最优单株高 Metasequoia glyptostroboid