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邢澍,字雨民,一字自轩,号佺山,阶州(今甘肃省武都县)人,生于一七五九年七月二十二日(乾隆二十四年六月二十八日)。父亲早逝,从小聪明,勤奋好学,博极群书。一七七九年(乾隆四十四年),赴西安参加乡试,中举人。回到阶州,在龙山寺继续读书。大约一、二年后,随人入京。一七八六年(乾隆五十一年),在满族诗人和亮家做塾师。和亮的祖先多为大官僚,藏书很丰富,他借机博览了大批典籍,在学向上充实了自己。一七九○年(乾隆五十五年)三十二岁,考取了进士。一七九三年(乾隆五十八年),任浙江永康县知县。从此,开始了仕途生涯。一七九六年(嘉 Xing Shu, Zi Yu Min, Zi Zi Xuan, No. 佺 Hill, order state (now Wudu County, Gansu Province), was born July 22, 1559 (Qianlong Twenty-four years in June 2 Eighteenth). My father died young, young smart, hardworking, blogging. In 1779 (Forty-four years of Qianlong), he went to Xi’an for a provincial examination and a middle-class examiner. Back to order state, in Longshan Temple continue to study. About one or two years later, with people into Beijing. In 1786 (fifty-one years of Qianlong), he was a private teacher in the Manchu poet and Liangjia. And bright ancestors mostly bureaucrats, collection is very rich, he took the opportunity to exhibit a large number of books, enrich themselves in learning. In 1979 (Qianlong fifty-five years) thirty-two years old, admitted to the jinshi. In 1793 (fifty-eight years of Qianlong), magistrate of Zhejiang Yongkang County. Since then, career began career. In 1796 (Jia
A simple synthesis of novel and known calix[4]resorcinarenes derivatives has been achieved by the condensation of resorcinol and different aromatic aldehydes in
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To determine the concentrations of total oils,petroleum hydrocarbons,and animal and vegetable oils in water,the conventional analytical methods involve two scan