Nano-preparation promoting effectively luminescent properties of one-dimensional rare earth oxides

来源 :Journal of Rare Earths | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjb5000a
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Rare earth (La,Nd and Tb) oxides with one-dimensional micro/nanostructures were synthesized hydrothermally under facile and mild conditions with two surfactants, and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetry (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence. The results showed that the synthesized rare earth oxides behaved regular nano-and micro-scale structures. And the morphologies of samples depended on the radii of rare earth ions, with the help of two surfactants of sodium dodecyl sulfonic and PEG 600. Nanocrystalline La2O3:Eu3+ possessed good photoluminescence (PL) property and might be used as a nanosized phosphor, its PL intensity was altered by the doping Eu3+ concentration and the optimum concentration of Eu3+ was 3 mol.%. In comparison with bulk Eu3+/La2O3, Eu3+/nano-La2O3 showed better photoluminescence property, nearly equal to that of nanocrtstal-line La2O3:Eu3+. Tb4O7 microwires showed interesting photoluminescence properties. Rare earth (La, Nd and Tb) oxides with one-dimensional micro / nanostructures were synthesized hydrothermally under facile and mild conditions with two surfactants, and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermal gravimetry SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence. The results showed that the synthesized rare earth oxides behaved regular nano-and micro-scale structures. And the morphologies of samples depended on the radii of rare earth ions, with the help of two surfactants of sodium dodecyl sulfonic and PEG 600. Nanocrystalline La2O3: Eu3 + possessed good photoluminescence (PL) property and might be used as a nanosized phosphor, its PL intensity was altered by the doping Eu3 + concentration and the optimum concentration of Eu3 + was 3 mol.% . In contrast with bulk Eu3 + / La2O3, Eu3 + / nano-La2O3 showed better photoluminescence property, nearly equal to that of nanocrtstal-line La2O3: Eu3 +. Tb4O7 microwires listed interesting ph otoluminescence properties.
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