
来源 :广东水利水电 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huandakedi222
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1概述水利信息化近年在我国得到很快的发展,为了适应北江大堤防汛及办公制度化、规范化、科学化的需要,近年我们陆续建立了北江水情遥测分中心和广州中心气象台北江大堤远程气象工作站,而且在近年的抗洪中发挥了重要的作用。但这种通过MODEM远程获取水雨情和气象... In recent years, we have established the Beijiang Hydrology Telemetry Sub-center and the Guangzhou Meteorological Observatory North River Dyke Remote Meteorology in order to meet the need of flood control and office systemization, standardization and scientificization of the Beijiang Levee in recent years. Workstations, but also played an important role in flood fighting in recent years. But this remote access through the MODEM water conditions and weather ...
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恬然执教六三载,桃李不言自成蹊——庆贺刘宜伦教授九十寿辰暨执教六十三周年 Teach coaches six or three years, peaches and plums speak for themselves - Professor Li
走近方青卓,在她的头脑之中依然坚持读书和写作,又忙于创建舞蹈俱乐部,这些都源于她对事业的真挚的爱。 Approached Fang Qing Zhuo, in her mind still insist on reading
The electrorheological (ER) fluids are colloidal suspension of highly polarizable particles in a non-conducting solvent. Chains of submicron-sized particles for
This paper deals with the implementation of the hyperbolic filter algorithm for noise suppression of seismic data. Known the velocity of reflection event, utili
Ancient DNA was extracted from 13 skeletal remains from the burial groups of Khitan nobles, which were excavated in northeast China. The hypervariable segment