The Characteristics of Zhangcao Character

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kashemir
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  【Abstrct】Ji Jiu pian is a enlightenment textbook. Shiyou has written in the Emperor Yuan of Western Han Dynasty,which is the existing earliest and best preserved enlightenment textbook. But it is not only an important enlightenment textbook,but also a representative work of zhang cao calligraphy. A great deal of researches have emerged in future generations.This article takes Songjiang’s version- Ji Jiu pian- as an example to summarizes the characteristcs of Zhangcao focusing on Zhangcao font style,writing style and symbolization trend.
  【Key words】Zhangcao; Ji Jiu pian; Characteristics
  In the past, many scholars have conducted various researches on its annotation,edition source,calligraphy etc. But the researches on the characteristics of Zhangcao is relatively weak.Therefore,the author takes Songjiang’s version- Ji Jiu pian- as an example to analyze the characters of zhangcao from three aspects: the characteristics of glyph, the way of writing and the trend of symbolization.
  Section One the characteristics of glyph
  Ⅰ. Stroke form
  From the external structure, some characters seem that nothing has been added or reduced in Ji Jiu pian.There is a difference between the original and the written strokes,for example .They are more prominent in the writing gravity of right-falling stroke,and have a sense of elongation.The end of right-falling stroke presents more pronounced upward trend.
  Ⅱ. font structure
  One character original structure is left middle right structure. The original characters structure has changed,as a result of the use of abbreviations, simple, joined-up and other ways to simplify the glyph in Zhangcao.For example,. Not only have the components changed, even the original left middle right structure has changed into the current upper lower structure.
  Ⅲ. the way of writing
  Zhang cao’s strokes in the continuous pen is more circular arc, with a certain radian.Whatever is up down or left right structure ,it can be connected. So it is more convenient to write, which improve the speed of writing.When turning, it is not always turned into a square state, and the strokes are obvious,for example, .
  Section Two Writing method
  Ⅰ. Abbreviations
  Similar to the simplification of Chinese characters, abbreviation which omit a part instead of the whole characters looks more concise than the original font.This writing style of abbreviation is embodied more in “Ji Jiu Pian”.And it mainly embodied in the bottom of the characters “心” and the writing beside the characters “口”for example .   Ⅱ. omission writing
  Some characters retain only one part of the Chinese character in the jijiu pian and keep its outline. This characteristic is the omission writing.Omission writing means to leave out a part. The difference between abbreviation and omission writing is to simplify Chinese characters, while omission writing means to leave out some parts of Chinese character,for example ect.Another form of omission is “no dot is not a character,” with a dot to represent parts.There are many such characters in Ji Jiu Pian,such as , .
  Ⅲ. joined-up
  joined-up is one of the characteristics of Zhangcao writing. Many characters are either written in one stroke, like a stroke or two strokes. The following characters are written in a joined-up style: .
  Section Three the trend of symbolization
  There are the same or similar writing, but also have special cases and variations in Zhangcao.As the saying goes: “where there are rules, there are exceptions. “
  Each the side of a character in Ji Jiu Pian has the same way of writing,such as .The character “戈” is usually written in this form. “走” is usually written this way; But sometimes the same part can be written in more than one way.For example, “口” is written as “” when used as a single character, and is usually written when used as a part of a character,There are exceptions, for example;The bottom of the characters “心” usually write, sometimes write something like “一”,比如.On the contrary, the same writing can represent several parts, which is the assimilation in zhangcao.For instance,“”this part can indicate the bottom of the characters “口”().
  Based on the example of Ji Jiu Pian, this paper analyzes the writing style of abbreviation,omission writing and joined-up from the characteristics of glyph writing method as well as the trend of its symbolization.
  [1]Xun Peng.A Study on the Formal and Structural evolvement of the Zhang Cao Script[D].Shandong University,2010.
【摘要】本文分析了高职英语教学现状,我们提出了微课在高职英语教学中的应用策略:一是优化高职英语教学应用微课的准备环节,二是高职英语教学中的微课设计,三是高职英语微课教学应注意的几个问题,四是加强高职英语教学中微课使用的反馈等。  【关键词】微课;高职英语教学;应用  【作者简介】堵楠楠,南京工业职业技术学院。  一、前言  微型课程模式是以教学视频为先导,学生自主学习,学生根据学习内容在课堂上提问
【摘要】21世纪信息时代,以往的教学模式势必难以满足现代社会发展对教师提出的全新要求,教师应当积极主动探究新型的与学生有效互动的教学模式。近年来,微信逐渐成为高职学生广泛使用的一款应用软件,其的出现为高职英语教学发展提供了新的方向。本文通过分析高职英语教学现状,对微信在高职英语教学实践中的应用策略展开探讨,旨在为研究如何提高高职英语教学质量提供借鉴与参考。  【关键词】微信;高职英语;英语教学  
【摘要】在农村初中由于缺乏良好的英语语言环境,学生在课堂上学到的知识无法在生活中得到运用而失去学习的自信心。为了帮助学生培养学习的信心,在教学中通过多种途径、采取多种方法鼓励、帮助学生。让学生明白有输出就有收获并在收获中获得成功的喜悦进而树立“我能学好英语的信心”。那么如何培养学生的学习信心呢?这是大多数教师所关心和探究的一个问题。本人认为采取下列措施会取得一定的效果。  【关键词】英语学习;自信
【摘要】随着中国融入经济全球化的程度加深,英语在日常生活中日益普及,不论是出国或者在国内都会体会到英语的重要性。民办高校的英语教学没有及时革新,教学效率低,直接影响到学生的英语水平,不能满足新时代英语的需求。任务教学法是当前民办高校改变困窘局面的重要教学方法。本文浅谈民办高校英语教学中任务型教学的组成和应用。  【关键词】任务型教学法;民办高校;英语课堂  【作者简介】段严寒(1982.12-),
【摘要】信息技术的迅速发展已经涉及到国内的教育领域,先进、方便和快捷的信息技术为高中英语阅读教学带来了学习方式的深入变革。同时,如果不能科学合理的引入信息技术将会为英语阅读教学带来滞后和负面消极影响。本文从高中英语阅读教学的现状开始分析,通过信息技术的有效使用,发现其对英语阅读教学带来的积极意义。  【关键词】高中;英语阅读;信息技术;应用思考;教学  【作者简介】任晴,石家庄市第一中学。  信息
【摘要】词汇是英语语言的基本构成要素,也是高中英语教学的基础,扩大学生词汇量,有助于学生听说读写能力的发展。高中英语写作教学综合性和复杂性强,考察学生的语言输出能力,着重发展学生的书面语言表达能力,锻炼语言应用素质。但由于传统写作模式较为落后,不能提高学生写作效率与质量,也影响学生写作兴趣的培养,必须进行大胆革新。词块理论可以帮助学生快速掌握与记忆词汇,进而在写作中灵活应用,增强写作水平。  【关
【摘要】初中英语新课程标准对英语教学的建议中提出:“鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写的综合语言技能”。可见,构建“体验”式的初中英语课堂是非常有必要的,也是有助于学生综合英语水平的提高的。所以,教师要注重课堂上的体验,要引导学生在生活情境中、在问题思考时,在自主应用中体验英语作为一门语言性学科的魅力,进而,为高效英语课堂的实现打好基础。  【关键词】体验;初中英语
【摘要】汉语和英语都是拼读文字。学生学习英语单词时,可以借助汉语拼音的拼读方法,在无音标的情况下拼读、拼写英语单词,记忆单词变得轻松容易起来,学生学习英语的兴趣和效果也会逐步提高。  【关键词】拼音;英语单词;拼读;记忆;兴趣  【作者简介】麻书芹,甘肃工业职业技术学院。  单词的记忆在英语学习中是至关重要的,从某种程度上说,单词记忆的好坏可以决定一个学生对英语学习的兴趣和效果。笔者长期从事英语教
【摘要】在国外游历中越来越意识到英语尤其是专业术语的重要性,日常性的英语解决的是生活问题,而专业性的英语能够深刻地领略全球性知识和文化,了解更为广阔的世界。  【关键词】英文术语;重要性  【作者简介】路梅翌(1998-),女, 广东外语外贸大学国际经济法1701班,擅长写散文、小说,先后在报刊杂志上发表文章近20篇。  这个暑假我有幸成为志愿者前往土耳其,再自游希腊两座岛屿,一路来去,四十多个日
【摘要】针对当前高中英语教学中传统文化缺失的问题,笔者首先阐述了渗透传统文化的重要意义,并试图从巧借单元话题、结合语法教学以及利用试卷分析等三个方面浅析了如何在课堂中渗透中国优秀的传统文化,以期提高学生用地道的英语去表达中国优秀传统文化的能力,提升学生的英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】中国文化;英语教学;文化意识  【作者简介】余义勇,浙江省桐乡市凤鸣高级中学。  一、 引言  《普通高中英语课程