
来源 :华南预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的分析深圳市盐田区2005―2014年法定报告传染病的流行特征,为制定防控策略提供参考依据。方法采用描述性流行病学方法对深圳市盐田区2005―2014年法定报告传染病疫情资料进行分析。结果 2005―2014年深圳市盐田区共报告法定传染病25种18 843例,其中乙类传染病4 490例,占23.83%,丙类传染病14 353例,占76.17%,年均发病率为867.70/10万。共报告肠道传染病1 195例,占乙类传染病发病总数的26.61%;报告呼吸道传染病1 129例,占乙类传染病发病总数的25.14%;报告血源及性传播传染病2 151例,占乙类传染病发病总数的47.90%;报告自然疫源及虫媒传染病15例,占乙类传染病发病总数的0.33%。发病数居前5位的传染病分别为手足口病(4 088例)、淋病(1 042例)、痢疾(1 035例)、肺结核(923例)、梅毒(682例)。结论近10年来深圳市盐田区法定报告传染病发病率总体呈上升趋势,今后应进一步加大对手足口病、淋病、痢疾、肺结核、梅毒等传染病的防控力度。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of statutory reported communicable diseases in Yantian District of Shenzhen City from 2005 to 2014 and provide reference for making prevention and control strategies. Methods Descriptive epidemiological methods were used to analyze the data of statutory reported infectious diseases in Yantian District of Shenzhen City from 2005 to 2014. Results A total of 18 843 cases of legal infectious diseases were reported in Yantian District of Shenzhen from 2005 to 2014, of which 4 490 cases were Category B infectious diseases, accounting for 23.83%, and 14 353 cases were Category C infectious diseases accounting for 76.17% with an average annual incidence of 867.70 / 100,000. A total of 1 195 cases of intestinal infectious diseases were reported, accounting for 26.61% of the total number of cases of infectious diseases of Class B; 1 129 cases of respiratory infectious diseases were reported, accounting for 25.14% of the total number of infectious diseases of Category B; 2 of blood and sexually transmitted infections Cases accounted for 47.90% of the total number of B infectious diseases; 15 cases of natural foci and vector-borne diseases were reported, accounting for 0.33% of the total number of B-type infectious diseases. The top five infectious diseases were hand-foot-mouth disease (4,088 cases), gonorrhea (1,042 cases), dysentery (1,035 cases), tuberculosis (923 cases) and syphilis (682 cases). Conclusion The incidence of statutory reported communicable diseases in Yantian District of Shenzhen City has been on the rise in the recent 10 years. In the future, prevention and control of communicable diseases such as foot and mouth disease, gonorrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis and syphilis should be further strengthened.
介绍了JC/T 984-2005标准中主要内容的制定情况,如产品分类、物理力学性能指标、试验方法等;通过与国内外相关标准的对比,指出该标准的技术指标达到了国际水平.
本案定位于现代中式风格,和几年前的大多数现代中式设计理念相比,本案强调与现代人的生活理念更相符的简洁而又不乏文化内涵的配饰方向。在实际操作中,造型多选择 The case