Modeling sediment transport in the lower Yellow River and dynamic equilibrium threshold value

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuce121566
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A major problem in the lower Yellow River is the insufficient incoming water and excessive sediment supply, which results in serious deposition, continuous rise of the river bed, and austere flood control situation. To understand the sediment transport regularity of the lower Yellow River and determine the relationship between sedimentation, incoming water and sediment, and zone water diversion, a mathematical model of the sediment suitable for the characteristics of the lower Yellow River has been developed. This model is first rated and verified by large quantity of observed data, and it is then used to analyze silting reduction for the lower Yellow River by Xiaolangdi Reservoir’s operation, the relationship between zone water diversion and channel sedimentation, and critical equilibrium of sedimentation in the lower Yellow River. The threshold values of equilibrium of sedimentation in the lower Yellow River are estimated and they suggest that deposition in the lower Yellow River can be effectively reduced by the operation of regulating flow and sediment from Xiaolangdi Reservoir, water-soil conservation, and controlling water diversion along the lower Yellow River. A major problem in the lower Yellow River is the insufficient incoming water and excessive sediment supply, which results in serious deposition, continuous rise of the river bed, and austere flood control situation. To understand the sediment transport regularity of the lower Yellow River and determine the relationship between sedimentation, incoming water and sediment, and zone water diversion, a mathematical model of the sediment suitable for the characteristics of the lower Yellow River has been developed. This model is first rated and verified by large quantity of observed data, and it is then used to analyze silting reduction for the lower Yellow River by Xiaolangdi Reservoir’s operation, the relationship between zone water diversion and channel sedimentation, and critical equilibrium of sedimentation in the lower Yellow River. The threshold values ​​of equilibrium of sedimentation in the lower Yellow River are estimated and they suggest that deposition in the lower Yellow River c an effective reduction by the operation of regulating flow and sediment from Xiaolangdi Reservoir, water-soil conservation, and controlling water diversion along the lower Yellow River.
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