加强科学管理 确保路桥质量——扬州市路桥工程总公司侧记

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扬州市路桥工程总公司始建于1953年,是公路工程施工二级企业。该公司施工力量雄厚,技术先进。曾先后担任了省重点工程项目及国家重点工程建设项目的施工任务。完成100米以上大型桥梁数十座,10公里以上高等级道路3条。其中,“宁扬仪征八字桥梁一级公路,曾获省建委颁发的“优质工程奖”及交通部颁发的“全国公路 Yangzhou Road and Bridge Engineering Corporation was founded in 1953, is a highway construction two enterprises. The company construction is strong, advanced technology. Has served as the provincial key projects and key national construction projects construction tasks. Dozens of large bridges over 100 meters and over 3 high-grade roads over 10 kilometers. Among them, “Ningyang Yizheng Bazi Bridge a highway, won the Provincial Construction Commission awarded the” Quality Project Award “and the Ministry of Transportation issued the” National Highway
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