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编者的话:如果想追寻中国历史的足迹,就去翻阅中原的岁月长卷;如果想读懂中国,就去剖析中原。一定程度上,中原就是整个中国的缩影,中原文化就代表着中国文化,中原的起起落落构成了中国的历史长河。“越是民族的,越具有世界性”,这是文化交流的规律。以中原文化为代表的中国文化的传承,正以其独特的形式和面貌,向世界打开一扇窗子,向世人证明着中华民族精神的存在。面对历史新的挑战和机遇,在市场经济的汪洋大海中,祖先留给我们的丰厚文化遗产,依然亘古不变地矗立在那里,滋润、护佑着她的子民们。而如何在市场经济条件下保护、开发中原文化,并通过开发中原文化重塑河南形象,提升中原地区的品味,振兴河南,乃是每一个国民的责任。偏僻农村弃之不用的太师椅、异彩纷呈的民族服饰、金水河畔回荡的豫剧唱腔、全国一流的河南博物院,无一不是中原文化的折射。如何充分开发中原厚重的历史文化资源,将中原文化发展与振兴河南紧密结合,已是当务之急。闻名全国的“梨园春现象”就是一成功典范,既发展了豫剧,又推动了河南的振兴,同时又通过这一栏目折射、体现着中原文化的魅力、亲和力。外地人来河南主要是看什么,不是看河南别的,主要是看河南的文化,如何开发、挖掘中原文化,通过文化的亲和力,利用文化的渗透力、影响 Editor’s Note: If you want to trace the footsteps of Chinese history, go through the years of the Central Plains scroll; if you want to read China, went to analyze the Central Plains. To a certain extent, the Central Plains is a microcosm of the whole of China. The Central Plains culture represents the Chinese culture. The ups and downs of the Central Plains constitute the long history of China. “The more ethnic, the more global.” This is the law of cultural exchanges. The inheritance of Chinese culture, represented by the Central Plains culture, is opening up a window to the world with its unique form and appearance and proving to the world the existence of the Chinese national spirit. Faced with the new challenges and opportunities in history, in the vast sea of ​​market economy, the rich cultural heritage left by our ancestors remains unchanged forever, nurturing and protecting her people. How to protect and exploit the Central Plains culture under the conditions of a market economy and reform the image of Central Plains through the development of the Central Plains culture to enhance the Central Plains region’s taste and rejuvenate Henan is the responsibility of every citizen. In the remote rural areas, there are not many teachers’ chairs, colorful ethnic costumes, the opera singing in the Jinshui River, and the first-class Henan Museum, all of which reflect the Central Plains culture. How to fully develop Central Plains heavy historical and cultural resources, the Central Plains culture and revitalization of Henan closely integrated, it is imperative. The famous “Pear Garden Spring Phenomenon” is a successful example. It not only develops the Henan Opera but also promotes the rejuvenation of Henan. At the same time, it refracts through this field and embodies the charm and affinity of the Central Plains culture. Foreigners come to Henan mainly to see what, not to see other Henan, mainly to see Henan culture, how to develop, tap the Central Plains culture, cultural affinity, the use of cultural penetration, the impact
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