
来源 :内陆地震 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dizenxu
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第二届西北青年地震工作者学术研讨会于1987年8月29日——9月3日在乌鲁木齐召开。来自西北地区地震系统以及部分外区有关单位的38名青年地震工作者和各局研讨会学术指导小组的7名指导老师参加了会议。 新疆维吾尔自治区地震局局长石鉴邦,党组书记杨振铎,副局长朱令人等局领导出席了会议开幕式。新疆地震局局长石鉴邦同志致开幕辞,他鼓励青年象巍然屹立的博格达峰一样,扎根西北边疆,努力开拓、积极进取,为发展具有西北特色的地震科学,为开发建设大西北作出应有的贡献。自治区区级机关团委书记韩天学同志也到会祝贺并讲了话。 The Second Northwest Youth Earthquake Workers Symposium was held on August 29, 1987 - September 3 in Urumqi. Thirty-eight young earthquake workers from the seismic system of the Northwest China and some of the relevant agencies in the outer zone and seven instructors from the Academic Steering Group of the bureau seminars attended the meeting. Director of Seismological Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Shi Jianbang, party secretary Yang Zhenduo, deputy director Zhu Lingren and other bureau leaders attended the opening ceremony. Comrade Shi Jianban, director of the Xinjiang Seismological Bureau, gave an opening speech. He encouraged young people to take root in the northwestern frontier like the towering Bogda Peak and strive to open up and make progress. In order to develop earthquake science with the characteristics of the Northwest and make a contribution to the development and construction of the Greater Northwest China, Contributions. Comrade Han Tianxue, member of the Communist Youth League, the district-level organ at the district level, also congratulated and made a remark.
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