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近年来层析技术在药学领域里,已被广泛应用于中草药成分的研究和药品的分离鉴定中。但是用于控制制剂质量,作为常规检验的手段,尚不太普遍。我国药典(七七年版一部)规定用纸层析和薄层层析作中草药制剂鉴别检查的仅有10个品种,其中单体及总成分制剂6种,单味制剂3种,复方制剂1种。在医院制剂方面,虽有采用层析法对中麻1号注射液进行纯度检查等,但仍属鲜见。目前医院大部分中草药制剂的成品,往往因原料的产地、采收季节等影响,质量不稳定。同时生产工艺的不断改进,个别原料品种的混乱情况亦偶有所见,这些都不能 In recent years, chromatography technology has been widely used in the research of Chinese herbal medicines and the separation and identification of pharmaceuticals in the pharmaceutical field. However, it is not yet common to control the quality of preparations as a means of routine inspection. The Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China (1977 Edition) stipulates that there are only 10 varieties identified by paper chromatography and thin-layer chromatography for the examination and identification of Chinese herbal medicines, including 6 kinds of monomer and total composition preparations, 3 types of single-purpose preparations, and 1 combination preparations. Species. In terms of hospital preparations, although Chromatography was used to check the purity of Zhongma No. 1 injection, it was still rare. At present, the finished products of most herbal preparations in hospitals are often unstable due to the influence of the origin of the raw materials and the harvest season. At the same time, the continuous improvement of the production process, and the occasional confusion of individual raw material varieties, these cannot
自马钱科(Loganiaceae)植物胡蔓藤(Gelsemium elegans Benth.)根的生物碱提取物中分离得到的一个新的氧化吲哚生物碱,命名为胡蔓藤碱丙(humantenidine),经光谱(UV,IR,~1HNMR,
羊蹄类中草药在民间以治疗癣病或止血著称,有些种类又名土大黄、金不换或牛西西等。其来源经调查鉴定均属于蓼科酸模属(Rumex)的多年生草本植物,包括:酸模(R.acetosa L.),毛
Aim: IN The People’s Republic of China in 1990, the age-specific seroprevalence of hepatitis A was investigated in eight virus epidemic in the 1990s and theref
2005年12月,我应邀在美国康奈迪克特学院(Connecticut College)举办《李维红新派花鸟画》专题展览。展览期间,顺便在纽约、华盛顿、波士顿等地参访几所著名的博物馆,除了看到
真鹤虱为菊科植物天名精(Carpesium abrotanoides,L.)的果实。自古以来,均为杀虫方中重耍的药物;本草纲目有详细记载:“主治‘蚘蛲虫’,‘杀五脏虫’”等.近来朱颜氏报告云:
辛夷为常用中药材。中国药典1977年版(一部)收载为木兰科植物望春花Magnoliabiondii Pamp.、玉兰Magnolia denudata Desr.或木兰Magnolia liliflora Desr.的干燥花蕾。目前