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布依族古籍丰富多彩,浩如烟海,整理出版布依族古籍,继承和弘扬布依族优秀传统文化,对于增强布依族的民族自信心和自豪感以及发展布依族文化,促进布依族地区的经济、文化建设具有积极的作用。近年来各级党政部门及各有关单位在认真贯彻执行国务院、省政府关于抢救、搜集、翻译整理、出版少数民族古籍的有关指示,积极支持民族古籍整理出版工作,使这项工作取得了可喜的成绩。改革开放以来,先后出版了《古谢经》(获第二届全国民族图书三等奖)、《安王与祖王》(获第三届全国民族图书三等奖)、《布依族摩经文学选粹》、《布依族酒歌》、《布依族礼俗歌》、《布依族古歌》等等,为布依族文化积累和传播做出了巨大贡献。 The ancient books of Buyi are colorful and voluminous. The publications of the Buyi ancient books are inherited and carried forward. The inheritance and promotion of the outstanding traditional culture of Buyi is of great significance to enhancing the nation’s self-confidence and pride in Buyi ethnicity and developing the Buyi ethnic culture and promoting the economic and cultural development in the Buyi ethnic region positive effect. In recent years, the party and government departments at all levels and all relevant units have actively implemented the instructions of the State Council and the provincial government on rescuing, collecting, translating, arranging and publishing the ancient books of ethnic minorities and actively supported the collation and publication of books on ethnic ancient books. This has made the work a gratifying undertaking The score. Since the reform and opening up, successively published the “ancient Xiejing” (won the second national third prize of national books), “An Wang and the ancestral king” (won the Third National Books third prize), “Buyi tribes Literary Selection ”,“ Bouyei Song of Wine ”,“ Buyi Ritual Song ”,“ Buyi Ancient Song ”and so on, which have made great contributions to the accumulation and dissemination of Buyi culture.
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