On the Passing Rate and Countermeasures of TEM4 and TEM8 in

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yueyinxiangzhu
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  【Abstract】As we all know, TEM4 and TEM8 are quite important for English majors’ students. According to the passing rate of TEM4 and TEM8 in Qinghai Nationalities University and the average rate in all Chinese universities, the author finds that the passing rate of Qinghai Nationalities University is far behind the national level. What surprised is that the passing rate of TEM8 in Qinghai Nationalities University is higher than TEM4. And both the TEM4 and TEM8 rates show a negative tendency. Based on this situation, the author puts forward some suggestions in the discussion part from four aspects of ideology construction, institution construction, teaching resources improving and teaching team construction to improve the passing rates and ultimately enhance the teaching quality of English majors in Qinghai Nationalities university.
  【Key words】passing rate; TEM4; TEM8
  TEM4 and TEM8 have great significant for both English majors’ students and teachers. They can reflect not only how well the students learn, but also teaching quality. Besides, they are parts of requirements of graduation in universities. According to the data, the author figures out the passing rates of TEM4 and TEM8 are much lower than national level. This paper will analyze the reasons of the low rates and try to put forward some countermeasures to change this situation.
  1. The features of the passing rates of TEM4 and TEM8 in Qinghai Nationalities University
  TEM4 is held annually for sophomores who are majored in English, and TEM8 is held in the seventh semester. The author compared the passing rates of TEM4 and TEM8 in Qinghai Nationalities University and the whole nation in recent six years. Let’s see the graphs.
  Graph 1 shows that there is a pronounced gap between the passing rate of TEM4 in Qinghai Nationalities University and national level, and the gap is widening. The average rate of the while nation is 50.59%, while the average rate in our school is 16.35%. The national level is relatively stable, but the rate of Qinghai Nationalities University changes greatly and has a decreasing tendency. The maximum of the rate in QNU is in 2012(32.8%) and the minimum is in 2017(2.3%). However in 2016, the rate in QNU has made a great improvement. Generally, the rates of TEM4 in QNU is much lower than national level.
  According to graph 2, the conclusion can be drawn that the national rate(40.41%) of TEM8 is more stable and higher than that in QNU(25.51%). The summit in QNU is in 2015(36.62%), and the nadir is in 2014(20.64%). In general, the rates of TEM8 in QNU has not catch up with national level.   It is easy to figure out that the passing rates of TEM4 and TEM8 are both steady and have little fluctuations. And the rates of TEM4 are higher than that of TEM8. What about the relationship between the passing rates of TEM4 and TEM8 in Qinghai Nationalities University? The answer is in graph 4.
  In Qinghai Nationalities University, the rate of TEM4 is in a negative tendency, but the rate of TEM8 is relatively stable.What surprising is that the passing rates of TEM8 are higher than TEM4. The average rate of TEM4 is 16.35%, however the average rate of TEM8 is 25.51%.
【摘要】根据刘宓庆的翻译美学理论,本文尝试从词汇、句子等符号层面和意境、文化等模糊层面对《红高粱家族》葛氏译本进行深入剖析。研究首先分析了原著的审美构成和文本特点,着眼于译者如何在翻译中推进审美再现,如何处理语际转换所面临的难题,有助于读者领略中英版本的不同美感,缩小跨文化的认知差异,为今后莫言作品的英译研究提供一个新视角。  【关键词】《红高粱家族》;莫言;葛浩文;翻译美学  【作者简介】梅蕾,
【摘要】在高中英语教学中,写作作为教学和学习中的重难点内容,受到了老师和学生的关注。所以,高中英语老师需要加大教学创新力度,探索优质的教学模式,为学生提供有效的教育和指导。当前,教学创生模式作为一种高效的教学方法被应用在高中英语写作教学中,并且起到了良好的教学效果。基于此,文章将对教学创生模式展开全面、细致的描述,并提出几点有助于提高写作水平的策略。  【关键词】教学创生视角;高中英语;写作教学策
【摘要】思维导图作为一种新型的教学模式,逐渐走入高中英语教育教学实践活动之中,在高中英语教育中发挥着重要作用。思维导图进入教学课堂,即对学生的知识教学活动进行整体规划,利用思维导图的创新性、整体性,提高课堂教学效果。本文就思维导图在高中英语教学中的有效应用进行了合理分析,并提出相应的运用措施。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;有效应用  【作者简介】章芳芳,福建省泰宁第一中学。  思维导图又叫心智
【Abstract】This essay will argue that a good translation should take pragmatics into consideration when translators or interpreters are doing their work. Translation is considered as a way to communica
【摘要】模因论一般用来解释文化是如何进化的,常用于指导广告的英译。国内高校的英文概况作为留学生及其他外籍访校人士了解学校的第一窗口,与广告翻译的思路有相似之处。基于这一研究兴趣,笔者选取了国内外三所高校的学校概况,从标题到内容进行对比分析,探索如何通过仿译的翻译策略实现翻译的目的。  【关键词】模因论;学校概况翻译;对比分析;仿译  一、引言  模因论是基于达尔文进化论的观点解释文化进化规律的一种
【摘要】随着能源领域经济全球化不断发展,能源与动力工程专业英语教学的重要性日益突出。分析了能源与动力工程专业英语教学中存在重视程度不够,课时量偏少,与专业课程学习不匹配,教材适应性弱,不能很好地与基础英语区分等问题。结合能源与动力工程这一交叉学科的特殊性,分析了能源与动力工程专业英语教学改革与创新的途径,并提出了相应建议,对改善专业英语教学具有一定促进作用。  【关键词】能源与动力工程;专业英语;