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“北大荒好地方,又有兔子又有狼,就是没有大姑娘……”一首歌谣道不尽当年北大荒的荒凉。如今的“北大仓”是座座高楼林立、片片麦浪翻滚,早已成为闻名全国的粮食主产地,老一代的垦荒人如今已是两鬓白霜,但一回想起“那个年代”,真是有说不完的话,有讲不完的故事,北大荒留下了他们的足迹,也给他们带来了无穷的快乐,下面讲述的是1968年发生在一名老垦荒队员身边的几件趣事。 “Great Northern Wilderness good place, there are rabbits and wolves, there is no big girl ... ...” a song rumors that year the desolation of the Great Northern Wilderness. Today’s “Taipei warehouse” is the seat of high-rise buildings, rolling pieces of wheat waves, has long been known as the country’s major food producer, the older generation of Ken-wasteland now is a two-fold hoar frost, but one recalls “that era” There are endless stories to tell. The Great Northern Wilderts left their footsteps and brought endless joy to them. The following is a brief account of some interesting things that happened to an old reclamation team member in 1968.
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