Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Spectrometry for Np(Ⅴ) Adsorption to γ-FeOOH/Water Interface

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingdang19822003
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237Np(Ⅴ)is estimated to be the most hazardous radionuclide concerning its half-time(2.14×106year),radiotoxicity and environmental behavior.It has been reported that most of actinides can be sequestered by a variety of minerals,especially iron oxides as common components of rocks,soils and sediments.Np(Ⅴ)sorption at mineral-water interfaces are of great importance in contaminant regulation 237Np (Ⅴ) is estimated to be the most hazardous radionuclide concerning its half-time (2.14 × 106year), radiotoxicity and environmental behavior. It has been reported that most of actinides can be sequestered by a variety of minerals, especially iron oxides as common components of rocks, soils and sediments. Np (Ⅴ) sorption at mineral-water interfaces are of great importance in contaminant regulation
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