Periodic surface structures on Ni–Fe film induced by a single femtosecond laser pulse with diffracti

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ericshen81
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This Letter reports the formation of periodic surface structures on Ni–Fe film irradiated by a single femtosecond laser pulse. A concave lens with a focus length of-150 mm is placed in front of an objective(100×, NA=0.9),which transforms the Gaussian laser field into a ring distribution by the Fresnel diffraction. Periodic ripples form on the ablation area after the irradiation of a single femtosecond laser pulse, which depends on the laser polarization and laser fluence. We propose that the ring structure of the laser field leads to a similar transient distribution of the permittivity on the sample surface, which further launches the surface plasmon polaritons. The interaction of the incident laser with surface plasmon polaritons dominates the formation of periodic surface structures. This Letter reports the formation of periodic surface structures on Ni-Fe film irradiated by a single femtosecond laser pulse. A concave lens with a focus length of-150 mm is placed in front of an objective (100 ×, NA = 0.9), which transforms the Gaussian laser field into a ring distribution by the Fresnel diffraction. Periodic ripples form on the ablation area after the irradiation of a single femtosecond laser pulse, which depends on the laser polarization and laser fluence. The interaction of the incident laser with surface plasmon polaritons dominates the formation of periodic surface structures.
Journal of Language and Culture Research(Semi-Annual)provides an international platform for scholars to publish articles on any aspect of human language and cul
高连江同志.1 963年生,中共党员.高级工程师,1986年毕业于太原理工大学,1996年至1998年就读中国社会科学院研究生经济管理系.大学本科、在职研究生。历任晋城市建筑经济管理
目的 研究清热补益中药对急性放射性肠炎的临床治疗效果和大鼠放射诱导肠损伤的组织形态学和一氧化氮水平的影响.方法临床观察了235例宫颈癌合并放射性肠炎的患者,临床治疗中药组(163例)口服清热补益中药,对照组(72例)口服诺氟沙星0.2 g,2次/d+思密达3 g,3次/d.实验大鼠分4组,每组12只,中药组(清热补益中药),西药组(诺氟沙星),肠炎组(单纯照射)和对照组(正常对照),观测肠黏膜一氧
摘 要:应用语言学自身具有强大的生命力,在几十年的时间里它已经成为一门发展速度快、广受关注与议论的语言学科之一。由于应用语言学的出现比较迟,对于应用语言学的研究也是比较落后,跟不上时代的发展,满足不了社会的高要求。因此,需要对其发展现状进行认真的分析。基于此,文章就应用语言学的研究现状与展望进行简要分析,希望可以提供一个有效的借鉴。  关键词:应用语言学;研究现状;展望  1应用语言学发展现状  
长春是中国汽车工业的摇篮。第二届中国长春国际汽车博览会于 8月 2 4日— 2 9日在长春会展中心召开。本次“汽博会”经中国国际贸易促进委员会批准 ,由中国贸促会、中国机械