
来源 :图书馆学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc135abc
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白城市少年儿童图书馆1986年筹建,1989年年底正式开馆。现在藏书已达2万册。在管理方面,该馆实行了目标管理,规定了具体的奖罚条件。他们把这一目标进行分解,落实到各部(室),各部(室)又落实到人头,逐级落实,严格奖罚制度,从而保证了工作的开展。为了筹集资金,他们还在图书馆一楼正厅办营业部,在地下营业大厅开展“多业助文”,以增加收入。还设计了5个阅览活动室,最大的可容纳150人, Baicheng Children’s Library was established in 1986 and officially opened at the end of 1989. Now the collection of books has reached 20,000 copies. In management, the museum implemented the goal of management, provides a specific reward and punishment conditions. They decomposed this goal and implemented it in all departments (offices). All departments (offices) implemented their duties and implemented them step by step. The system of rewards and punishments was strictly enforced to ensure that the work was carried out. In order to raise funds, they also do business in the main hall on the first floor of the library and carry out “multi-industry aids” in the underground business hall to increase their income. Also designed five reading room, the largest can accommodate 150 people,
1月17日省高校图工委召开副主任和秘书长会议,讨论制定1990年图工委工作计划要点。 3月12日至14日,省高校图工委秘书长王振华、副秘书长王永安赴天津出席华北图协1990年会预
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