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长期以来,学术界有一种说法认为中国古代史学没有理论,相对于西方史学的解释性特征而言,中国古代史学只是以叙事见长。显然,这是并不十分了解和熟悉中国史学遗产所致。事实上,仅在历史理论方面,如天人关系、大一统思想、古今之变、历代兴亡之论、多民族国家的历史认识、英雄与时势关系等诸多方面,中国古代史学都有着丰富的理论遗产。因此,研究和总结中国古代历史理论,不仅可以极大地丰富中国史学的思想内涵和历史底蕴,而且可以使中国史学从不同的方面更多地展现出中国特色、中国风格和中国气派。本期刊发的这组笔谈,从中国历史发展演变进程这一维度,阐释和揭示了中国古代历史理论的基本问题,期望能对进一步提高中国史学的自身品格有所启迪、有所裨益。 For a long time, there is a saying in academia that there is no theory in ancient Chinese history. Compared with the explanatory features of Western historiography, ancient Chinese history only takes the form of narration. Obviously, this is not due to being familiar with the historical heritage of China. In fact, ancient Chinese historiography has a wealth of theories only in the aspects of historical theory, such as the relationship between man and nature, the principle of unification, the change of ancient and modern times, the theory of the rise and fall of various dynasties, the historical understanding of the multi-ethnic country and the relationship between the hero and the times. heritage. Therefore, to study and summarize the ancient Chinese history theory can not only enrich the ideological connotation and historical background of Chinese historiography, but also make Chinese historiography show more Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style from different aspects. This set of written comments published in this issue illustrates and reveals the basic problems of the ancient Chinese history theory from the perspective of the evolution of the historical development of China. It is expected that this expectation can have some enlightenment for further improving the own character of Chinese history.
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龙是中华民族的象征。上天入地,无所不能。这回“龙”老大又与汉字兄弟打得火热,组出一个个新字来,为丰富祖国的文化作贡献。是些什么字呢?伤脑筋了吧? Dragon is a symbol
今天的孩子处在一个传媒异常发达的社会,网络等新媒体给予今天的孩子的影响强烈地冲击着传统的学校教育、家庭教育。教师和家长怎样面对新媒体对于孩子的影响?社会各方在孩子们的价值塑造上具有怎样的责任?北京师范大学细胞生物学研究所所长何大澄呼吁要呵护孩子的真诚。    今天的孩子,是我们的明天,是人类的明天。然而,明天的孩子,是由今天的我们来塑造的。  2010年4月30日我收到的手机报中刊登一则“IN语”