Structures and dynamics of scientific knowledge networks:An empirical analysis based on a co-word ne

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Co-word networks are constructed with author-provided keywords in academic publications and their relations of co-occurrence.As special form of scientific knowledge networks,they represent the cognitive structure of scientific literature.This paper analyzes the complex structure of a co-word network based on 8,190 author-provided keywords extracted from 3,651 papers in five Chinese core journals in the field of management science.Small-world and scale-free phenomena are found in this network.A large-scale co-word network graph,which consists of one major giant component and many small isolated components,has been generated with the GUESS software.The dynamic growth of keywords and keyword co-occurrence relationships are described with four new informetrics measures.The results indicate that existing concepts always serve as the intellectual base of new ideas as represented by keywords. Co-word networks are constructed with author-provided keywords in academic publications and their relations of co-occurrence. As special form of scientific knowledge networks, they represent the cognitive structure of scientific literature. This paper analyzes the complex structure of a co-word network based on 8,190 author-provided keywords extracted from 3,651 papers in five Chinese core journals in the field of management science.Small-world and scale-free phenomena are found in this network. A large-scale co-word network graph, which consists of of one major giant component and many small isolated components, has been generated with the GUESS software.The dynamic growth of keywords and keyword co-occurrence relationships are described with four new informetrics measures.The results that existing concepts always serve as the intellectual base of new ideas as represented by keywords.
[摘要]公共责任机制正在重构中,公共责任的实质是权力伦理建设。权力制约需要伦理化。  [关键词]社会转型;公共责任机制;权力伦理  [中图分类号]D63 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1007-1962(2009)02-0024-02    一、转型社会与公共责任机制的重构    当代中国处于转型时期,各种社会利益结构正在重新分化与组合中,社会公正问题凸显,这就期待着公共责任机制的重构,在完善的责