
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bleachdou
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我国目前56个民族中,为什么没有匈奴族、鲜卑族、突厥族、契丹族、女真族等历史上著名的民族呢? 匈奴族是我国北部古老的少数民族,位在蒙古高原一带,战国时逐渐强大起来。秦汉时期一部分西迁至欧洲,后来与当地土著融合成现代匈牙利人的先民;一部分内迁,逐步与汉族或其他少数民族融合。南北朝以后,史册上不再有匈奴之名。 鲜卑族起先生活在内蒙古西部和山西北部。南 Of the 56 ethnic groups in China today, why are there not any historically famous people such as the Xiongnu, Xianbei, Turkic, Khitan, and Nuzhen races? The Huns were an ancient minority in the north of China and were located in the Mongolian plateau. Strong. During the Qin and Han dynasty, some of them moved westward to Europe and later merged with local indigenous people to become modern ancestors of the Hungarians; some moved in and gradually merged with Han or other minorities. After the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was no longer the name of the Huns in the annals of history. The Xianbei people first lived in western Inner Mongolia and northern Shanxi. south
The 1998 floods in China triggered the implementation of the Natural Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) which includes: (i) a logging ban over state-owned natu
据讯 ,阵容鼎盛的历史盛事———第 16届世界会计师大会将于今年 11月 18日至 2 1日在香港举行。这届会计“奥运”由香港会计师公会主办 ,预计 72个国家约 40 0 0名代表出席
在过去的几年中,不单是 CPA 行业,各行各业都在普遍提倡“诚信”二字。社会各界人士包括“中国会计视野网站”的精英们也都不断地奋起呼吁,“中国会计视野网站”甚至开辟了
尿道下裂是泌尿系统常见的先天畸形之一 ,1 989年6月~ 1 998年 1 2月 ,采用带蒂包皮皮管一期正位开口修复尿道下裂 1 6例 ,疗效满意 ,报告如下 :1 资料与方法1 .1 一般资料
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