
来源 :四川林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xianglongke2000
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随着林业事业的发展,营林更新质量问题日益受到科研和生产部门的重视。更新质量不仅反映了一定自然条件对更新效果的影响,也体现了生产单位的经营管理水平。因此,制订合理质量评价标准,既要满足目前检验要求,也要指明更新幼苗今后的生长发育趋势,为估计更新的客观效果提供依据。在营林更新试验研究过程中,为了筛选最佳营林更新技术方案,探讨更新效果及生态因子对更新苗的影响、亦需对试验地更新苗作出客观的评价。在试验中,我们发现仅用保存率来评价是远远不够的,故制定了一套更新质量评价方案,以适应研究的需要。现将我们协作组在翁达河西林区开展高海拔营林更新技术研究时的调查结果整理于后。 With the development of forestry, the quality of forest renewal is paid more and more attention by scientific research and production departments. The updated quality not only reflects the influence of certain natural conditions on the renewal effect, but also reflects the operation and management level of the production units. Therefore, to develop a reasonable quality evaluation criteria, it is necessary to meet the current inspection requirements, but also indicate the future growth of young seedlings to develop trends in order to provide the basis for the estimation of the objective effects of the update. In the process of reforestation experiment, in order to screen the best reforestation program, and to explore the effect of rejuvenation and ecological factors on rejuvenating sprouts, we also need to make an objective assessment on the rejuvenating sprouts. In the experiment, we found that it was not enough to evaluate the preservation rate alone. Therefore, we developed a set of updated quality assessment programs to meet the research needs. Now we collaborate group in Weng Dahe Xilin District to carry out high-altitude forest renewal technology research findings at the time finishing.
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