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二十年前的9月,老女排在秘鲁举行的第九届世界锦标赛上出师不利,危在旦夕,竟奇迹般地以六个3比0连克强敌,化险为夷,后来居上,勇夺冠军,谱写了惊天动地的一曲团结拼搏的赞歌,为祖国赢得了极大的荣誉。 在新的中国女排向世界冠军重新冲击时,回顾往事,可以激励她们将老女排精神发扬光大,锐意进取,顽强拼搏,争取胜利的坚韧作风。 当年有23支队伍参赛,先分6个组进行预赛,中国、美国、意大利和波多黎各队分在一组。比赛开幕后、中国女排以两个3比0轻取波多黎各和意大利队,却在第三场以6比15、9比15和11比15被美国队打得一败涂地。那时,美国队就是中国队最大的假想敌,两队在1981年世界杯赛上的“世纪大战”仍让人记忆犹新。虽然赛前无论是思想还是技术战术都做了充分的准备,但赛时中国队却表现失常,前两局分别以0比6、0比7落后,在以往15分一局的比赛中,几近大势已去,回天乏力。而美国队却是超水平发挥,场上人人打得出色,一攻、防守、拦网和反击都无懈可击。中国队除了一攻尚可,拦网、防守乱了节奏,没有反攻的机会得不了分,岂能不输。 Twenty years ago in September, the women’s volleyball team at the Ninth World Championships in Peru unfamiliar, at stake, actually miraculously with six 3-0 Lianke strong enemy, saved the day, then come to the top, won the championship, compose Earth-shattering song of unity and hard work won the great honor for the motherland. In the new Chinese women’s volleyball team to the world champion to re-impact, recalling the past, you can motivate them to spurt the spirit of the old women’s volleyball team, forge ahead, tenacious struggle, win the tough style of work. In the same year, there were 23 teams participating in the competition, divided into 6 groups to conduct the preliminary rounds, with China, the United States, Italy and Puerto Rico teams in one group. After the opening of the match, the Chinese women’s volleyball team won Puerto Rico and Italy with two 3-0 matches, but was defeated by the U.S. team 6-0, 15-15, 11-15 in the third game. At that time, the United States team is the biggest imaginary enemy of the Chinese team, the two teams in the 1981 World Cup “World War” is still fresh in my memory. Although both the thought before the game or technical and tactical have done a full preparation, but the match when the Chinese team was abnormal, the first two games were 0 to 6,0 than 7 behind in the past 15 points in a game, a few Near the potential has gone, back to the days of weakness. The US team is super-level play, everyone played well on the court, a attack, defense, blocking and counterattack are impeccable. In addition to a Chinese team can still attack, block, defensive chaos rhythm, no chance of no counterattack points, how can we not lose.
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本文是东京经济大学教授刘进庆先生在“第六届海峡两岸关系研讨会”上发表的论文。本刊略有删节。 —编者 This article is a paper published by Mr. Liu Jinqing, a prof
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