
来源 :中国科学技术史(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kungfuchicken
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2015年,南京图书馆藏的一份不为人知的手稿引起了学界的重视.经鉴定,这一矿冶著作是被认为失传已久的《坤舆格致》的一个抄本.《坤舆格致》此前被普遍视为耶稣会士汤若望(Adam Schall von Bell,1592~1666)对阿格里科拉(Georgius Agricola,1494~1555)的《矿冶全书》(De re metallica,1556)的中译本.然而,仔细阅读文本可以发现,该书除了编译《矿冶全书》中部分内容外,至少还收录了另外四位欧洲学者的著述,他们是万诺乔·比林古乔(Vannoccio Biringuccio,1480~1539)、莫德斯蒂努斯·法克斯(Modestinus Fachs,?~1595前)、拉扎勒斯·埃克(Lazarus Ercker,1528/30~1594)和何塞·德·阿科斯塔(José de Acosta,1539/40~1599/1600).本文通过这一个案研究,展示了上述学者的著作是如何来到中国、因何被选为《坤舆格致》的参考书目,以及最终是如何被使用和吸收的.从这一过程可知,汤若望和他的合作者不遗余力地进行这项雄心勃勃的知识转移工程,将欧洲的技术以最好的方式呈现给了崇祯皇帝.“,”In 2015,a previously unknown manuscript was discovered in the Nanjing Library.It contained a Chinese mining and metallurgy handbook,and was identified as a copy of the Kunyu gezhi坤輿格致,known as the lost Chinese translation of Georgius Agricola\'s (1494-1555) De re metallica (1556) by Jesuit Adam Schall von Bell(1592-1666).A closer look at the text,however,reveals that,besides parts of Agricola\'s book,content by at least four other European authors was included:Vannoccio Biringuccio (1480-1539),Modestinus Fachs (?-before 1595),Lazarus Ercker (1528/30-1594),and José de Acosta (1539/40-1599/1600).This study demonstrates how their books became available in China,why they were selected as sources for the Kunyu gezhi,and how they were eventually used and incorporated.From this,it becomes apparent that Schall and his collaborators spared no effort to conduct this ambitious knowledge transfer project,and to present European technology at its best to the emperor.
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