Eye on the Prize:Directions for Accounting Research

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Accounting is a recognized field of research,with established journals and faculty promotion criteria that emphasize publication in those journals.Yet young researchers find the field hard to navigate.Accounting research lacks definition;there is not common agreement about what accounting research is all about.Researchers sometimes fall into camps that disagree,with dismissals of others’ endeavors with“it’s not accounting”or“that’s not what accounting is about.”While conflicting schools of thought are stimulating to a field, argument is best conducted with a agreement on common goals.A well-under- Accounting is a recognized field of research, with established journals and faculty encourage criteria that emphasize publication in those journals.Yet young researchers find the field hard to navigate. Accounting research lacks definition; there is not common agreement about what accounting research is all about. Researchers sometimes fall into camps that disagree, with dismissals of others’ endeavors with “it’s not accounting ” or “that’s not what accounting is about. ” While conflicting schools of thought are stimulating to a field, argument is best conducted with a agreement on common goals. A well-under-
据“Steel Times”Supplement December 1990:5~6报道,金属的机械性能指的是该金属对施加力起反应的情形。在钢材说明书中所列特殊钢的机械性能指的是强度、延性、硬度和韧性
采用热模拟方法,研究了焊接冷却过程中 15MnVN 钢焊缝中粒状贝氏体的相变过程。结果表明,焊缝粒状贝氏体的相变过程可以划分为铁素达形核、铁素体纵向长大、铁素体横向长大、