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群众参与流域管理相关的重大政策问题的提出,旨为1999年7月19~24日在泰国清迈由亚洲群众参与流域管理培训项目(世界粮农组织/荷兰)和泰国皇家林业局流域管理处联合主办的“亚洲群众参与流域管理政策问题地区研讨会”上作进一步的讨论和研究。自1992年联合国环发大会上大多数国家在《21世纪议程》上签字以来,人们增强了对雨养山区发展问题的重新思考。群众参与流域管理就是人们重新思考后的一种直接构想。它明确了需要大量投资,并切实到位,才能保证群众参与流域管理项目的顺利实施,而过去10多年内亚洲国家从来都没有如此迫切的需求。因此,制定有效的政策,以保证群众参与流域管理方案顺利实施是最重要的。在审查和分析了参与国的相关政策之后,虽然解决了一些政策问题,但一些关键性的政策仍需引起进一步重视,包括派生于或建立在人们固有的(或内在的)制度、文化、知识和风俗以及不同的性别、阶级、种族之间的平等观念。而人们在群众参与流域管理开发项目中的所有权、受益者的直接投资、项目的设备和技术援助以及人力资源开发也同等重要。 The mass participation of major policy issues related to river basin management aims to jointly organize the participation of Asian people in watershed management training programs (World Food and Agriculture Organization / Netherlands) and Thai Royal Forestry Bureau watershed management office in Chiang Mai, Thailand from July 19 to July 24, 1999 Hosted by the “Asian masses participate in watershed management policy regional seminar” for further discussion and research. Since the majority of countries at the 1992 UN Conference on Environmental Development signed Agenda 21, people have been re-thinking more about the development of rain-fed mountain areas. Mass participation in river basin management is one of the direct ideas people rethink. It made it clear that a large amount of investment was needed and put in place in order to ensure that the masses could participate in the smooth implementation of river basin management projects, and Asian countries never had such an urgent demand in the past 10 years or so. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to formulate effective policies to ensure that the masses participate in the successful implementation of the watershed management plan. After reviewing and analyzing the relevant policies of participating countries, although some policy issues have been solved, some key policies still need further attention, including those derived from or built on people’s inherent (or intrinsic) systems, culture, knowledge And customs as well as different gender, class, race, the concept of equality between. Ownership of people in watershed management development projects, direct investor support, project equipment and technical assistance, and human resources development are equally important.
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题目:如图1,CD是⊙O的直径,CD=2 cm,点P为CD延长线上的一点,过点P作⊙O的切线PA,PB,切点分别为A,B。(1)当DP=____cm时,四边形AOBD是菱形,(2)当DP=____cm时,四边形AOBP是正方